the so complete pouë oneliner
- 2010-05-04
- The world may now declared VC1/WMV dead. Long live VC1/WMV.
- 2010-05-21
- 2010-05-27
that world might later...
- 2010-06-07
my youngest brother used to dealias his paintbrush pixel art by saving them as jpegs... ringing artifacts FTW!
- 2010-06-19
30 frames per second... 30 FRAMES PER SECOND!!?? AT VGA!!???.. the wii mote does at least 60hz in SVGA
- 2010-06-20
- commander keen in aliens ate my babysitter
- 2010-07-05
By adding Windows Phone 7 to our portfolio, Microsoft is well positioned to address the needs of customers with active personal and business lives who desire a single device that delivers rich end-to-end experiences and navigates seamlessly between work a
- 2010-07-06
Let me explain myself... I wasn't spamming for MS; compare ws-phone-7-means-business.aspx to
- 2010-07-12
so many 1366x768 laptops... almost no 1680x940 laptops unless they are FRiGN' HaUGE
- 2010-07-18
- sauce please
- 2010-07-27
If only one could get some 4k or 8k movies with new harddrives. Then bluray can die.
- 2010-08-01
Winstone and Winbench ran for each operation system under 1024x768x65536x75,22-2.html .... what!?
- 2010-08-06
howz doz iz get teh PRG file into teh Hatari ? ?
- 2010-08-19
sizeof(void*) was 3 on system/360, jsyk
- 2010-08-20
"The Xbox 360, meanwhile, took a few seconds longer than PC's nearly non-existent load times, and the PS3's probably still loading right now." ut_and_five_reasons_its_tota
- 2010-09-17
end the sausage fest... END THE TASTELESS PUN
- 2010-09-20
###has radeon 4250, looks for demos from 2003-2004 that would run in windows 7 64###
- 2010-09-28
/o\ /o\
- 2010-10-01
REM I wish it where possible to "parems.txt | 4kprocGFX.exe > image.tga"
/* actually, I haven't been active on 4chan in over a year, not that that changes anything ;-p */
- 2010-10-04
I'll never remember the indefinite integral for sec^3(x)
- 2010-10-08
- 2010-10-09
The Edicts of Register EDX, a poem by . . .
- 2010-10-11
the k6-2 with 3DNOW! has 9.3 million transistors; AMD's RV790 & Juniper gpus have ~1bil transistors... you can squeeze 100 k6's in the same die area...
- 2010-10-21
- our democrats would be relatively right leaning in most of your countries?