
Breakpoint 2008

added on the 2003-01-09 21:18:48 by Gargaj Gargaj
invittype prodname rulez piggie sucks avg popularity
demo invitation Windows MacOSX PPC Digital Garden - Breakpoint 2008 Invitation by Rebels 209 39 8 0.79
demo invitation Commodore 64 Breakpoint 2008 Invitation by Resource [web] & The Dreams 41 5 0 0.89
nonetype prodname rulez piggie sucks avg popularity
n/a demo Windows 6th annual scene.org awards - the openingshow by scene.org [web] & keyboarders 11 6 1 0.56
n/a slideshow Playstation Portable Breakpoint 2008 PSP Slideshow by Tristar & Red Sector Inc. [web] 16 5 0 0.76
n/a slideshow Windows MacOSX PPC Breakpoint 2008 Slideshow (PC/MAC) by Tristar & Red Sector Inc. [web] 28 10 0 0.74
n/a liveact Wild Breakpoint 2008: Fun Compo 5 5 0 0.50
n/a liveact Wild Breakpoint TV 2008 - Interviews by Okkie 56 4 1 0.90
n/a liveact Animation/Video breakpoint tv 2008 - opening ceremony 12 3 2 0.59
n/a 4k invitation procedural graphics Windows eleixane by Rgba [web] 32 4 0 0.89
n/a liveact Wild Reyn Ouwehand live @ BP08 47 2 0 0.96
n/a liveact Animation/Video Scene.org Awards 2008 by scene.org [web] 9 3 0 0.75
n/a report Animation/Video Temps Réel - Breakpoint 08 by Demoscene.tv [web] & Nolife [web] 81 3 0 0.96
n/a game musicdisk Windows Tetroid 2012 by Entity [web] & apocalypse inc [web] 33 5 1 0.82
n/a liveact Animation/Video Xerxes, Romeo Knight & Bendik in Concert by Brainstorm [web] 69 8 0 0.90
4k procedural gfxtype prodname rulez piggie sucks avg popularity
1st 4k procedural graphics Windows ixaleno by Rgba [web]
259 3 2 0.97
2nd 4k procedural graphics Windows Off The Shelf by Loonies [web] 57 13 0 0.81
3rd 4k procedural graphics Windows B-meise by Speckdrumm [web] 41 4 0 0.91
4th 4k procedural graphics Windows Yeeeees Yes! by Loonies [web] 32 5 0 0.86
5th 4k procedural graphics Windows Versus 4k by Fulcrum [web] 39 4 2 0.82
6th 4k procedural graphics Windows lunreal by Mercury [web] 39 5 0 0.89
7th 4k procedural graphics Windows Couldn't come up with anything more cheesy by Mostly Harmless 31 6 0 0.84
8th 4k procedural graphics Windows headfunk by D-Lab42 [web] 26 5 2 0.73
9th 4k procedural graphics Windows Cmath - GFX by TGGC 19 10 3 0.50
10th 4k procedural graphics Windows mPT by Plush [web] 13 17 4 0.26
11th 4k procedural graphics Windows Blob bug wearing fedora and foliba! by xernobyl & Zeroshift 26 8 2 0.67
12th 4k procedural graphics Windows Girlie by Hick'n'Hack [web] 3 8 19 -0.53
96k gametype prodname rulez piggie sucks avg popularity
n/a game Windows Beanie Fighter by Hikey 23 7 1 0.71
amiga demotype prodname rulez piggie sucks avg popularity
1st demo Amiga AGA Twenty by Drifters [web] 97 19 6 0.75
2nd demo Amiga AGA Soliloquy by Elude [web] 156 7 1 0.95
3rd demo Amiga AGA Surfing Great Victoria by Nature [web] & Traktor [web]
126 8 3 0.90
4th demo Amiga AGA The Chronicles of Professor Arronax by Tulou [web] 57 7 0 0.89
5th demo Amiga AGA Electric Ocean by Rave Network Overscan [web] & Brainstorm [web] 34 11 2 0.68
6th demo Amiga AGA vauxhall by Unique [web] 28 18 0 0.61
amiga 64ktype prodname rulez piggie sucks avg popularity
1st 4k Amiga AGA Psylteflesk by Ephidrena 223 1 0 1.00
2nd 64k Amiga AGA Supercool by Supergroup 50 7 0 0.88
3rd 4k Amiga AGA Figure Four by Nature [web] 64 6 1 0.89
4th 64k Amiga OCS/ECS regrets by Moods Plateau [web] 29 8 0 0.78
5th 64k Amiga AGA Res Cogitans by Software Failure [web] 23 11 1 0.63
animationtype prodname rulez piggie sucks avg popularity
1st wild Animation/Video ETA by Junk [web] 175 2 0 0.99
2nd wild Animation/Video HBC-00001: donuts by ½-bit Cheese [web] 107 3 0 0.97
3rd wild Animation/Video 2nd Element by Tristar & Red Sector Inc. [web] 52 14 0 0.79
4th wild Animation/Video Made of Bricks by The Red Scarves 43 5 2 0.82
5th wild Animation/Video One day in the life of Trojan Kesselring by Moods Plateau [web] 15 9 1 0.56
6th wild Animation/Video Skip by United Force [web]
61 4 1 0.91
7th wild Animation/Video Give me Future or Give me Death by Inward [web]
89 19 8 0.70
8th wild Animation/Video Ultrascheisse - The 2nd Ascension by Penishure 59 10 67 -0.06
9th wild Animation/Video UrbanVision by SweetSuga 0 10 0 0.00
10th wild Animation/Video DRifters Riders by DTIMGW 5 1 1 0.57
11th wild Animation/Video Pixelated Dreams by Christoph680 and Saga Musix [web] 5 8 10 -0.22
12th wild Animation/Video The Collector by Akustikrausch 8 11 19 -0.29
13th wild Animation/Video All Ein Sein by b-art-lett & Bero 7 6 2 0.33
14th wild Animation/Video Cosmic Drug Dealer by Jumbodude [web] 21 10 17 0.08
15th wild Animation/Video My by Natasha 5 1 0 0.83
c64 demotype prodname rulez piggie sucks avg popularity
1st demo Commodore 64 Cauldron by Resource [web] & The Dreams & Exceed [web]
96 4 0 0.96
2nd demo Commodore 64 Natur Pur by Exin & Girmann & LordNikon 9 6 1 0.50
3rd invitation Commodore 64 Come to Rewired by Royal Belgian Beer Squadron [web] 15 3 0 0.83
4th 4k Commodore 64 Iloliemi by Dekadence [web] 15 7 0 0.68
5th demo Commodore 64 Fresh Dose by Speedfisters 14 9 8 0.19
6th demo Commodore 64 8-bit Garden by Digital Sounds System 17 10 2 0.52
7th invitation Commodore 64 Bunkerparty 2008 Invitation by Dienstagstreff [web] 2 1 0 0.67
8th musicdisk Commodore 64 Favorites 3 by Paramount 12 1 0 0.92
fast demotype prodname rulez piggie sucks avg popularity
wild Animation/Video HBC-Fast: Gnome by ½-bit Cheese [web] 10 0 7 0.18
1st intro Commodore 64 Flower Power by Neoplasia [web] & The Obsessed Maniacs & The Dreams 15 3 0 0.83
2nd fastdemo Windows Gnome Garden by Solenoid 5 5 1 0.36
not shown fastdemo JavaScript Gnomovision by Fearmoths [web] 2 5 3 -0.10
pc demotype prodname rulez piggie sucks avg popularity
1st invitation Windows Masagin - Nvision 08 Invitation by Farbrausch [web] & Neuro
389 37 19 0.83
2nd demo Windows Metamorphosis by Andromeda Software Development [web]
264 31 17 0.79
3rd demo Windows Shad 3 by Cocoon [web] 183 34 11 0.75
4th demo Windows Falling Down by ukscene allstars [web] 208 23 5 0.86
5th demo Windows theBeauty by Einklang.net [web] & Extrawelt [web]
130 23 4 0.80
6th demo Windows Challenger Deep by Traction [web] & Brainstorm [web]
95 31 5 0.69
7th demo Windows regus ademordna by Excess [web]
186 17 3 0.89
8th demo Windows Concentrate by Adapt [web]
77 11 0 0.88
9th demo Windows linear by SQNY 58 21 6 0.61
10th demo Windows Java Diego on e by Holon [web] 51 15 1 0.75
11th demo Windows Local Warming by Nuance [web] 38 8 0 0.83
12th demo Windows MacOSX PPC MacOSX Intel Interstellar by fresh!mindworkz [web] 50 7 0 0.88
13th demo Windows Chill City by Brainstorm [web] 26 10 0 0.72
14th demo Windows MacOSX Intel Mrs. Pavlov here tells me that she is a polytoxicowomane by A Moiré Misszió Bemutatja
131 15 4 0.85
15th demo Windows 60 seconds for Mr. Light by anadune [web] 67 20 5 0.67
16th invitation Windows Rewired 2008 Invitation by Royal Belgian Beer Squadron [web] 14 17 2 0.36
17th demo Windows 35mm by Napalm Core 29 8 1 0.74
18th demo Windows MacOSX PPC MacOSX Intel Death of the death by Spöntz [web] 11 17 0 0.39
19th demo Windows Undressed by Darklite [web] 6 7 2 0.27
20th demo Windows Underpass by Limp Ninja [web] 4 4 16 -0.50
21st demo Windows Modular Woodpecker by SquoQuo [web] 4 11 11 -0.27
22nd demo Windows Super Cool by Spacepigs [web] & Die Chefrocker 7 3 23 -0.48
23rd demo Windows you must burn by Flo [web] 45 13 20 0.32
24th demo Windows Baardhossler by Roomsoezen En Baardworst 3 6 8 -0.29
pc 64ktype prodname rulez piggie sucks avg popularity
1st 64k Windows Pimp My Spectrum by ate bit [web]
249 18 10 0.86
2nd 64k invitation Windows Invoke by Still [web] & Conspiracy [web]
178 20 3 0.87
3rd 64k Windows Bugtro 2 by Mostly Harmless 10 24 20 -0.19
4th 64k Windows Burana 500mg by Australian Drug Foundation 51 12 11 0.54
pc 4ktype prodname rulez piggie sucks avg popularity
1st 4k Windows Atrium by TBC & Loonies [web]
415 7 1 0.98
2nd 4k Windows h4vok by Archee [web] 199 12 0 0.94
3rd 4k Windows lns-4.096: Bits'n Pieces by Loonies [web] 93 21 0 0.82
4th 4k Windows 20 by Alcatraz [web] 59 16 0 0.79
5th 4k Windows cmath9 by TGGC 38 8 2 0.75
6th 4k Windows Two Affine Mappings by Mostly Harmless 31 12 1 0.68
7th 4k Windows Dundra by Darklite [web] 17 11 6 0.32
8th 4k Windows Raving Tomatoes - BASTARD! by T$ [web] 28 12 18 0.17
9th 4k Windows Model 8 by Ananasmurska [web] 25 11 3 0.56
10th 4k Windows fr-minus-010:sonnentanz by Farbrausch [web] 33 25 15 0.25
11th 1k Windows 1k_Evolution by Secretly! 19 17 42 -0.29
12th 4k Windows dotdyr. by Loonies [web] 25 11 5 0.49
13th 4k Windows Maja by Przyjaciele Stefana B. 5 1 43 -0.78
wild demotype prodname rulez piggie sucks avg popularity
1st demo Wild Craft by lft [web]
260 6 0 0.98
2nd wild Wild Buried By Sands Of Time by bEnd oF crUsH 19 4 2 0.68
3rd demo Gameboy Advance Unibrau by Milkmen 58 9 0 0.87
4th demo Java Mobile Phone java.util.Demo by k2 [web] 21 4 1 0.77
5th wild Commodore 64 Rush by Singular Crew [web] 44 1 0 0.98
6th 4k Atari VCS 4K4U by Simon Quernhorst [web] 37 1 0 0.97
7th invitation musicdisk MacOSX PPC MacOSX Intel 8808 by ukscene allstars [web] 26 6 4 0.61
8th demo GamePark GP2X Nom by Hedelmae [web] 37 3 1 0.88
9th wild Wild ATmegalomania by MedO 8 3 1 0.58
10th demo Playstation Portable Kratos by Immersion [web] 10 14 4 0.21
11th intro SEGA Genesis/Mega Drive Bassfish by Speckdrumm [web] 21 8 3 0.56
12th wild Mobile Phone P.M.MobileEdition by Hotstuffers 11 5 7 0.17
13th wild Animation/Video De bloemschikmaffia by Numtek 4 2 21 -0.63

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