
Orange/sYmptom/Opossumi party 1994 results

Here are the complete results of the compos held at the sYmptom/Orange/Opossumi
party :

2K Intro Compo :

1st. FLAME-intro       -       PUU.EXE -Solo - Intro by Hoplite/Orange

32K Intro Compo :

1st. Hoplite 32K       -   HPL_32K.EXE - 21p - Intro with code from Hoplite and
                                               music by Dune/Sonic
2nd. Symptom's 32K     -   SYM_32K.EXE - 15p - Intro with code from Gimle and
                                               some graphics by Sulphur/Admire

Music Compo :

1st. Saunalaulu        -     SAUNA.S3M - 20p - By Postman-Pat/Orange
2nd. Liver Sausage     -     LIVER.S3M - 12p - By Sarvikuono/Opossumi
3rd. Extreme Base      -    E-BASE.S3M -  6p - By Mauste/Opossumi
3rd. Temporary Setback -  TEMPSETB.MOD -  6p - By Gimle/Symptom

Graphics Compo :

1st. Friends           -   FRIENDS.PCX - 14p - By Hippo/Opossumi
1st. Kikki             -     KIKKI.LBM - 14p - By Postman-Pat/Orange
3rd. Miekkonen         -  MIEKKONE.LBM -  9p - By Hoplite/Orange