Frontal assault by xzm
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popularity : 74% |
alltime top: #2532 |
added on the 2003-08-02 06:08:00 by a_lee_n ![]() |
popularity helper
OMG.. it's like dance dance revolution.. only with tits.
rulez added on the 2003-08-02 06:08:23 by a_lee_n 

I'm sorry.. the name of the game is Frontal Assault, not Frontial.. someone change this if possible.
What, I tell you about it, you go post to pouet while I go buy beer? (: Right anyway the question for this year's Assembly game compo is: Sex, or Violence? (this is sex.) I'm voting violence of course (rekkaturvat)
funny :D
you're sick :) but this is funny...
"sex is violent!" so i'll vote for boooth :)
"sex is violent!" so i'll vote for boooth :)
how could this be an entry for ASM03-entry when ASM doesn't start till next weekend? And if it is an ASM-entry then the creators could say 'Thank you' to A_Lee_N for getting them disqualified (one is not allowed to spread the releases prior to a party).
Sorry I don't like this one...
rasmus, why don't you just read the gamedev compo rules first? :)
shake it baby....
rasmus, all the asm03 games are public (
what comes to game: all around ugly but i like ddr-like games and this has an idea :)
what comes to game: all around ugly but i like ddr-like games and this has an idea :)
Can't beleive it! LOL!!! I am gonna hand this to my friends now =)
it's fugly .. can't beat porrasturvat in any way =)
ASSMUS: Maybe you should get some sense of reality before accusing me of such a thing, the gamedev compo is indeed a part of Assembly even though it takes place before the actual party. This is because people need a chance to play through the games thoroughly before you vote at the party.
This once again prove the old saying; "If you are called Rasmus, don't open your mouth" .. or was that; "If you don't have anything nice to say"? Oh well, i'm sure those are directly linked to each other in one way or another.
[Apologies to other Rasmus:es that doesn't behave like an ass.]
This once again prove the old saying; "If you are called Rasmus, don't open your mouth" .. or was that; "If you don't have anything nice to say"? Oh well, i'm sure those are directly linked to each other in one way or another.
[Apologies to other Rasmus:es that doesn't behave like an ass.]
quite funny :)
though i would enjoy it more with eyes winking at me ;)
and isn't the skin texture kinda weird ?
though i would enjoy it more with eyes winking at me ;)
and isn't the skin texture kinda weird ?
I personally prefer this more than the turvats, not for the tits don't get me wrong, but because it's much more playable and fun!
It's a nice game play, even the blue one are sometimes hard to hit ... and I wonder how this tits resist to BECOME blue after so many slaps :)
pixman : maybe because they are fake ;)
I want a "Rasmus Assault" game 8)
Why not "Optimus Assault"? I thought I was the most popular 8]
bounce, bounce, baby!!!
i could play this forever :)
the "arcade" feeling is very cool, but yeah, the skin texture sucks...
i could play this forever :)
the "arcade" feeling is very cool, but yeah, the skin texture sucks...
Change the "tisut" images to "paita" and you can play with naked boobies!
The only thing missing is either a "gravity" and/or "firmness" option.
Why can't I pinch the nipples??
The only thing missing is either a "gravity" and/or "firmness" option.
Why can't I pinch the nipples??
I got a punch in the balls from my friend for playing this game you bastards!!
"You think thats funny" she said.
"Yeah" I replied.
"Would you find it funny if it was a man and you kept hitting his balls" she asked.
"yeah probably" I said.
Then she hit me in the balls and I couldn't f'kin breath and I felt like I wanted to be sick. If it feels like this for women then its not a funny game at all.
"You think thats funny" she said.
"Yeah" I replied.
"Would you find it funny if it was a man and you kept hitting his balls" she asked.
"yeah probably" I said.
Then she hit me in the balls and I couldn't f'kin breath and I felt like I wanted to be sick. If it feels like this for women then its not a funny game at all.
plus for game-concept, minus for realism. (these nerds really ought to get their hands on some -real- tits once in a while, for research if nothing else :)
whoble whoble
It give me grate lagths and boner!! yes i play also with naked boobies!
shane you want play sexy with man yes?? hahaaaa.
shane you want play sexy with man yes?? hahaaaa.
Naked version has ugly nipples :(
Yes, they are ugly nipples.
Instead of replacing the graphics, just delete the 'no-xxx' file (I don't remember the name of it, it's 9 bytes tho and just contains "no xxx") and the game will ask you if you're over 18 at startup. If yes, you get the bad n3kk1d texture, if no, you get the screenshot.
looks like the summum of sexism
Nah. Sex sells lousy games.
hehe nicely made and cool idea :) But i find it boring + when i got back to windows the resolution was 640*480 for some reason.
Rather weird. Sexy Menuedesign (Logotype etc.) but the game itself is unplayable, imho. Nice Music, too
Shane: stop fantasizing and faking :P
Actually, I find Shane's comment very funny! =)
Funny to play and well coded :)
And I like huge boobs, of course :)
And I like huge boobs, of course :)
great idea.. and it looks great!!
You should all be ashamed. Women are not objects!
Can't wait for the one where you have to dangle testicles.
this game is really funny!!
i like the arcade style..
but my gf didn't let me play this with hers... ;-)
i like the arcade style..
but my gf didn't let me play this with hers... ;-)
Boring and repetitive
don´t show it to your girlfriend..
"Either this is a product of the author’s extremely fucked up childhood or it’s a failed attempt at marketing Dance Dance Revolution to heterosexuals."
Whaha. And even better:
"Publisher: Nobody, which is surprising since a game like this would probably sell in Japan."
That link made my day. ;)
Whaha. And even better:
"Publisher: Nobody, which is surprising since a game like this would probably sell in Japan."
That link made my day. ;)
OK game, but the review is excellent:)
Review was damn funny, but the game sucks. It's a bit sexist too, but making a version with a guy in a pouch (or a very fat man) would make it fine.
What would have made it work would be to use keyboard control, and require the moves in time with the music, like the dancing games. As it is, it;s too annoying.
What would have made it work would be to use keyboard control, and require the moves in time with the music, like the dancing games. As it is, it;s too annoying.
Lame idea, ugly textures / models, no playability and it's boring. I don't see how someone would be playing this after 20 minutes.
nice fonts / menus, okay-ish music, though. Oh, and I don't like ddr-like games.
nice fonts / menus, okay-ish music, though. Oh, and I don't like ddr-like games.
actually you CAN show this to your girlfriend..
and get your own highscore beaten by her 10 minutes later.. :)
rulez shit 4 a simple arcade game!
and get your own highscore beaten by her 10 minutes later.. :)
rulez shit 4 a simple arcade game!
Me want a sequel ! or a 2 players mode in a V.2 :)))) Good idea and see to your next prod ! ;) ( maybe we can make a dick game ? :p )
The quotes at the review are the best quotes ever =)))
I wanna see Amusic beating the game live at ReAct (or BP perhaps? :)
The quotes at the review are the best quotes ever =)))
I wanna see Amusic beating the game live at ReAct (or BP perhaps? :)
504 pts
funny and well done
delete NO-XRATED file for full version, sounds are cool ;)
(combo swinger and bounce is hard to do)
funny and well done
delete NO-XRATED file for full version, sounds are cool ;)
(combo swinger and bounce is hard to do)
it rocks! :D
Idea = baaaah ! Playing interest = baaaah !
Gets boring after about 5 seconds. Totally playable and uninteresting.
Funny game, and his comment is the funniest thing I've seen Shane post.
Stupid :p
anyone who doesn't like this is just a prude. xzm did what all hormonally imbalanced coders have wanted to do for as long as coders have been around. hah!
today record -- 1909
i want a freestyle mode with more "details" :)
still nice
lol. Original concept, and fun!
This game rocked. And if you don't like it you're a fag ;P
Excellent Game I have played it for hours, I wish someone would do a port for the Nintendo DS :)
haha a masterpiece for a game!
what an amazing gameplay mechanic.
Nice boobs!
time well spent
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