retro intro by Neural [web]
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popularity : 66% |
alltime top: #1449 |
added on the 2009-04-03 18:33:12 by hitchhikr ![]() |
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rulez added on the 2009-04-03 18:34:24 by Maissi 

scrollers 4 life yo!
I love the effects. They are very well executed. The dual screen with so many scrollers on top makes it a bit too crowded. Each effect (or at least most of them) at the bottom would have merited it's own screen.
I really hope you finish the other project. Pity it wasn't released at bp. If this isn't good enough...
I really hope you finish the other project. Pity it wasn't released at bp. If this isn't good enough...
Wow, it's quite surprising and interesting when good coders from one platform do transition to a new one for the first time. And here it's done very well. I like the presentation with the scrollers in upper screen and various switching effects you can watch for hours in lower screen. It's the little details in movement (how logos appear or the elasticity of vector when it morphs) that also makes it neat. There is even a BITS joke at the beginning :)
I once said there's not enough scrollers nowadays, well now there is (and i'm fooled to contribute too). This isn't mindblowing but i think it's very good for 32k.
Holy shit! I almost freaked out with that jerky scroller and the BITS thing! :)
i feel inclined to give thumbage of up, and hopefully someone will whack this on dtv or youtube so i can verify
Classic effects all executed really nicely. I love all the scroll ramblings too.
very nice intro and music.. pretty amazing for 32 kb, keep on feeding amiga500 :)
and now i am just as inclined to find some kind of picture featuring an a500 and someone trying to stuff food into it
this rulez! great stuff <3
modern retro demo that doesnt work on 1200. why?
Is the title a BITS joke too? Waiting on teh video...
gorgeous !
keep oldskool alive :)
keep oldskool alive :)
great fun!
some real oldskool! Respect!
what else to say than: "oh crickey wot a one screener"
I think it's the best nowadays OCS intro since Xeron's HAM6 kefratraz bars.
I think it's the best nowadays OCS intro since Xeron's HAM6 kefratraz bars.
very nice.
oh, forgot to thumb it up...
...and it really runs so beautifully on my 500 :)
even the bloody BITS-scroller stutters perfectly xD
even the bloody BITS-scroller stutters perfectly xD
Nice to see a proper A500 release again, thumb up that alone :). I must say that the combination of scrollers and effects all on a single screen made it all look rather crowded, though.
Oldschool ! The bits joke at the beginning reminded me of the classic Boulder intro from Tristar.
watched it on the vid. very nice :) now make it work without having to disable AGA.
cool :) perfect oldschool execution!
Nice but BP starts next week. ;)
What Cj reminded me of:
I would like to give it a second thumb up for releasing it just for the sake of it and not on a party.
I would like to give it a second thumb up for releasing it just for the sake of it and not on a party.
...without any disrespect to BP of course that i have waited for a year :)
/end of flooding for now
/end of flooding for now
yeah i agree, cute.
Lovely. I especially liked the raster things behind the scrollers.
The music was meh.. but it looks great.
Lovely :)
this one rules hard the retro way.
yeah, i thumbed already, BUT : LOVE ! so damn kewl this is !
everyone with no understanding of ECS-amiga: it has 8MHz-CPU and doing all this in one screen in fluent 50Hz is already sth, also it looks damn good ! hitch FTW !
everyone with no understanding of ECS-amiga: it has 8MHz-CPU and doing all this in one screen in fluent 50Hz is already sth, also it looks damn good ! hitch FTW !
great intro ;>
Great one! Amiga 4 ever...
nice oldschool style.. there so much trash at breakpoint.. i would love to see this one on the bigscreen.. warping me back to the party 9x
Great! I'll keep the faith!
runs fine on my A1200 without ANY patching!modern retro demo that doesnt work on 1200. why?
Although I can't help but wonder, if this is an intro then why can't I exit it with LMB (or anything other than reset).
btst #6,$bfe001
^ LMB test ftw :) good to see i still remember some things ;p
Does exactly what it says on the tin.
Does exactly what it says on the tin.
BITS-test, hahaha...test bit 6 in register $bfe001,beq exit.
perfect , even the idea to put a 32k on a untuned A-500. This is a definitive Ruler !!!!
ahh and by the way - AMIGAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
Looks fine :-)
Cute !!! Really !!! Love the rasters vertical bars ... and the colorz so let me give you a Thumb up ;-)
nice one!! the rubber bar and vectors were the best parts imho. i can't bare to watch keftales and inf. sprites anymore.. still overall, it's a nice colorful ride! keep up the oldschool spirit! :)
very nice
nice one!
We want more!!!
We want more!!!
i love it!
Nicely done, that bits joke was hilarious :D
Love that song!
Love that song!
Boring, like every effects show (especially retro ones). But packed well - subroutines, fonts, music - all in 32 kb. Nice job. Guess, creators of this intro had much more fun then viewers :)
Guess, creators of this intro had much more fun then viewers
The thumbs do not agree with your comment.
Great intro :) this deserves a thumb for the beginning alone :D
For sure feelings like "prod are with potencial", but personally for me it bad designed. Maybe it's fun, retro and so on, but if remove half of screen with all these words, and make effects for all the screen, its for sure will be better.
nice... not much new inside tho...
thumbs for the size... ;)
thumbs for the size... ;)
Gimme moar!!!
Cool ;)
Maybe it's fun, retro and so on, but if remove half of screen with all these words, and make effects for all the screen, its for sure will be better.
I liked the bit with the scrollers, and am probably not the only one. Remove that and you don't have the demo(intro) which I enjoyed so much anymore. It's all a question of personal taste. If I could give it another thumb up then I would.
a bit too boring
good vibe in 32k
I really enjoyed it and especially reading the scrollers :)
Well done, tiny, hey Frank, you're not rusty !
Well done, tiny, hey Frank, you're not rusty !

Nice one, clean and smooth.
retro factor gives you instant thumb
personally i'm not a big fan of "retro" but it's execution is pretty flawless
where can i get the .mod?? "D
@alien ... grab it here i think they didn´t changed anything since i got it. :D
thx premium! ill muffdive your balls somewhere in the future for it.
Really nice one!
but the music suxx
with a nice music i could have watched this one for hours, with the actual track it gets borring after 3 minutes
with a nice music i could have watched this one for hours, with the actual track it gets borring after 3 minutes
what elkmoose said.
Simply awesome. Gracias for the greeting =)
Not bad. Too bad it isn't fullscreen.
:) (oh yeah)
Cute 32k compilation of oldskool effects
Bring back the pre-art demos :)
Very nice prod
Warning FR inside --> Ca marche impec sur A1200 :)
Warning FR inside --> Ca marche impec sur A1200 :)
funny comments NOT made by SoLo2 or BITS Club,
scroll font with copper color reflections
TOP half: drunken vertical bars, multi scrollers
BOTTOM half: "NEURAL" logotype graphic,
distorted, 3D, checkers,
copper plasma,
distorting vertical rubber band with scroll,
shade bobs,
3D filled polygons figures, rotating, water reflection, morphing,
endless bobs,
thin plasmas
nice little mod music, great samples, reverb
scroll font with copper color reflections
TOP half: drunken vertical bars, multi scrollers
BOTTOM half: "NEURAL" logotype graphic,
distorted, 3D, checkers,
copper plasma,
distorting vertical rubber band with scroll,
shade bobs,
3D filled polygons figures, rotating, water reflection, morphing,
endless bobs,
thin plasmas
nice little mod music, great samples, reverb
Size matters :)
cant you make a 2nd version that is aga fixed and has another more enjoyable tune?
oldschoolballefjong=instant thumb!
its not running on my Amiga 1200 with Blizzard 1260 and 64MB fast ram :P
there comes a reset after the bits homage :P
hitchhikr: i had the same prob as elkmoose. just "disabling the card" is not a great option for many of us with SCSI drives attached to those cards ;-)
anyhow, booted it from floppy with the accelerator disabled and it played nicely. guss it could be Oxyron pather conflict, or syspatch, etc. usual suspects :/
anyhow, booted it from floppy with the accelerator disabled and it played nicely. guss it could be Oxyron pather conflict, or syspatch, etc. usual suspects :/
très sympa =)
Retro indeed. :)
Well done !
Nice colours and oldschool effects -> SUPERB!
HxC coding in a 32k...
That's the way!
Nice+many FXs+32Jb = thumb up
very nice ;-)
The dig at BITS is unfair I think, but otherwise I like this a lot :) It's like a collection of cool mini-intros.
Bit happens!
Cool & smooth retrointro.
true oldskool.
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