
First Play by Koomadot
screenshot added by Gʀɪʍʍy on 2010-08-08 07:27:48
platform :
type :
release date : august 2010
release party : Assembly 2010
compo : combined demo
ranked : 8th
  • 12
  • 14
  • 15
popularity : 60%
  • -0.07
alltime top: #52419
  • s13ge s13ge [Code, graphics, music]
added on the 2010-08-08 07:27:48 by Gʀɪʍʍy Gʀɪʍʍy

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Looove the atmosphere.
rulez added on the 2010-08-08 07:31:13 by msqrt msqrt
sucks added on the 2010-08-08 08:10:15 by nosfe nosfe
Ambitious. :) Keep on coding.
added on the 2010-08-08 10:29:29 by decipher decipher
Thx for comments :) Next time @ASM'11, see you there!
rulez added on the 2010-08-08 11:18:50 by s13ge s13ge
The music is ripped form Ooh Crikey Wot A Scorcher (which is still better than this demo, despite being 19 years old and running on 25 years old hardware)

added on the 2010-08-08 11:19:28 by evil evil
Please change your group's name.
added on the 2010-08-08 11:19:34 by uncle-x uncle-x
sucks added on the 2010-08-08 11:39:10 by Wade Wade
Cool firsty, the credit seems to say you made the tune (madtracker) Not like if you just stole a famous tune you like and felt that it was so obvious for everyone that you forget about to give some credit.
@uncle-x, why the hell? :o
added on the 2010-08-08 11:44:58 by s13ge s13ge
props for pulling a timbaland.
sucks added on the 2010-08-08 11:53:53 by shock__ shock__
@evil, yeah, it is like that, but i don't remember where i got my inspiration on that demomusic.
added on the 2010-08-08 11:57:38 by s13ge s13ge
s13ge if you look for "kooma" on this site you'll know why.
added on the 2010-08-08 11:59:45 by uncle-x uncle-x
@uncle-x, so? :o My group is KoomaDot, that is Kooma.
added on the 2010-08-08 12:04:28 by s13ge s13ge
Some nice oldschool effects and as it was the first demo from you by such many good content at Assembly... So hopefully your next demo will much improve... To continue your efforts here is my thumb...
rulez added on the 2010-08-08 12:54:39 by s7ing_ATZ s7ing_ATZ
so ugly
sucks added on the 2010-08-08 13:00:46 by Hexogen Hexogen
Yeah, the group name confused me as well. If i'd start a group called FarbrauschTwoPointOh people would look at me funny too. :>
added on the 2010-08-08 13:04:42 by tomaes tomaes
I hate these people who write stuff like "so ugly", "yuck", "please stop making demos" and "shit". Maybe thats the reason I wont come to those smaller parties. I know that these people will certaintly ruin the athmosphere and the fun.

Keep on coding.
rulez added on the 2010-08-08 13:24:46 by mrp- mrp-
It wasn't boring, unlike many other prods on the party. Keep it on.
rulez added on the 2010-08-08 13:56:00 by svo svo
sucks added on the 2010-08-08 15:51:19 by xernobyl xernobyl
Thanks for the many new comments :)
@Hexogen, KoomaDot is founded nearly 2005, so group is kind of "old" but this was my first demo, so... :) KoomaDot was first offering small services like IRC bots, TS2 etc. but then, nearly 2007, i started make small games, and this year demo. So everyone, get used to it! :) I'am not changing my group name.
added on the 2010-08-08 16:20:36 by s13ge s13ge
coding is dead?
added on the 2010-08-08 18:54:24 by MuffinHop MuffinHop
so ugly, yuck, please stop making demos and shit!
sucks added on the 2010-08-08 19:56:28 by el mal el mal
@Maali, if this is oldskool demo, does this suck then too? :) Plz guys, tell me what i need to do better, then i can learn. You "this is shit" commentators are shit too, if you can't tell me what is wrong with this demo!
added on the 2010-08-08 21:15:20 by s13ge s13ge
Haters gonna hate!
rulez added on the 2010-08-08 21:24:28 by Optimus Optimus
Yeah, i think that maali and others "suck" commentators only likes newtime demos, not oldskool.. I like oldskool, thats why i made this demo, but i'am not good at programming, so thats why it is under PC and demo combo..
added on the 2010-08-08 21:42:38 by s13ge s13ge
Hmmm ... Let's skip this one and see what you come up with next.
added on the 2010-08-08 22:16:15 by Paranoid Paranoid
nice and oldskoolish!
rulez added on the 2010-08-08 22:48:41 by Bobic Bobic
at least the particle fire was ok, but demos like that have been boring for at least 15 years... not to mention that they should run on a 386..
sucks added on the 2010-08-09 00:06:08 by T$ T$
keep on codin !
Plz guys, tell me what i need to do better, then i can learn. You "this is shit" commentators are shit too, if you can't tell me what is wrong with this demo!

1. This was your first production. Pouet is full of examples of why you shouldn't release your first production. Looking back on this later, you'll realise it yourself.

2. This isn't an oldschool demo. This is a collection of effects that were done 20 years ago on 20 year old hardware, running here - in inferior form, even - on a modern PC. If you want to make oldschool demos, learn to code for an oldschool platform. If you want to code for modern PCs, learn what you can actually do with them.
sucks added on the 2010-08-09 09:07:46 by jobe jobe
You should release your first demo. You should release your last demo. And you should release anything between.

Real fuckings to people who even try to say what people can, cannot, should and should release and do.
added on the 2010-08-09 09:16:28 by mrp- mrp-
mrp-: If that's your attitude concerning criticism, I won't be missing you at "those smaller parties". Just stay in your own egalitarian wonderland where no criticism, no matter how constructive, is tolerated.
added on the 2010-08-09 09:44:03 by jobe jobe
(Not directed at the creator of this demo, just to be clear on that point: even though I thought this demo was awful, I wish him the best of luck with future productions.)
added on the 2010-08-09 09:47:25 by jobe jobe
where's the criticism?
added on the 2010-08-09 09:49:09 by mrp- mrp-
give credit, don't rip
added on the 2010-08-09 11:22:20 by zefyros zefyros
@jobe, thats more i like it ;) But how mrp- says, release your first, lasts and all between those. And from these, is good to continue :) Learning oldschool platforms, do better demos and so on. But those "suck" etc. commentators still sucks.
added on the 2010-08-09 15:09:04 by s13ge s13ge
Yeah, the group name confused me as well. If i'd start a group called FarbrauschTwoPointOh people would look at me funny too. :>

Or Andromeda Software Development.
added on the 2010-08-09 15:10:56 by sauli sauli
what's with everyone taking things so seriously all of a sudden. chill out people, have some pretzels.
it's an honest first prod, and the author seems completely aware of the shortcomings. the next one will be better, i'm sure. (OR ELSE.)

also, wasn't "kooma" originally called "coma" anyway?
rulez added on the 2010-08-09 15:18:08 by Gargaj Gargaj
s13ge, can you tell us how you code on MMF2? Last time I checked MMF2 was some type of "create game by clicking" thing?
added on the 2010-08-09 21:33:26 by MuffinHop MuffinHop
mrp-, pouet comments has nothing to do with how people act at smaller parties, and you really should attend some. most smaller parties are a LOT more friendly than a huge party like assembly will ever be.
you truly are missing out a lot.

Also, s13ge, don't take the comments too harshly and just make a better demo next time. now, what's a better demo is a completely subjective matter so that's something you'll have to find out yourself.
added on the 2010-08-09 23:03:46 by nosfe nosfe
Thumbs up for the nice first try. Short enough and not annoying at all, in my opinion. I don't know about MMF2 but it must be limited as hell, and we all like crazy limitations, don't we? Next time, do credit the composer, however.

Regarding the ongoing discussion here, I think it's better to release something for compos (even crap) than to get stuck with a kind of "I'll never be as good as them" mentality. I started my demoscene career by releasing "crap". If I hadn't been able to release it, I wouldn't have made it in the first place and I wouldn't have learned any "true" democoding, ever.
rulez added on the 2010-08-10 12:29:56 by viznut/pwp viznut/pwp
as someone once said, "shit makes flowers grow"
added on the 2010-08-11 11:18:01 by nosfe nosfe
Nice thumb, isn´t it?
rulez added on the 2010-08-11 11:23:29 by SiR SiR
Somehow endearing, but ruined by the ripped music (and even claiming credit) and author attitude. Try again.
sucks added on the 2010-08-11 11:24:50 by break break
Nice firstie I thought... And then I read the comments.
sucks added on the 2010-08-11 23:05:39 by Maissi Maissi
sucks added on the 2010-08-12 04:38:39 by zoolum zoolum
1991. But not bad for a first prod - keep doing!
added on the 2010-08-12 07:50:48 by Manwe Manwe
It's nice for a firstie but ripping the music is SO Timbaland. Keep up the good work and do better next time, so here is my motivation thumb. :)
rulez added on the 2010-08-12 09:18:57 by nekomono nekomono
give credit, don't rip. other than that it's a nice first demo.
added on the 2010-08-12 09:28:52 by v3nom v3nom
I saw filtering in your texture! real oldschoolism commands no filtering :)
And what everyone said, averaged, so piggy
added on the 2010-08-21 22:09:54 by BarZoule BarZoule
sucks added on the 2011-03-08 17:30:16 by dzedaii dzedaii
20 years too late :) still, thumb up for first demo
rulez added on the 2012-11-13 19:46:54 by norecess norecess
What v3nom said.
added on the 2012-11-13 20:37:32 by StingRay StingRay
sucks added on the 2015-11-27 19:05:46 by sensenstahl sensenstahl
"first demo": maybe last demo? no such luck...
sucks added on the 2018-12-01 08:27:34 by rock rock

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