Mathog by PlayPsyCo [web]
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popularity : 65% |
alltime top: #2759 |
added on the 2013-04-06 00:20:50 by Sesse ![]() |
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“Phon” meets “Happiness is right around the bend” and comes out relatively unscathed. Certainly a worthy winner.
rulez added on the 2013-04-06 00:22:23 by Sesse 

i found the soundtrack to be a little generic by now, but the overall production was a very enjoyable ride
Great music and visuals but it's sad the demo doesn't lead anywhere. It seems the three robots are preparing for a race or something and then the demo suddenly is over.
First I felt like I was watching a Division demo, ie. looks nice but completely empty. Then the robots appeared and in my head the demo went into the silly territory.
Technically this is solid, the visuals are nice and I'm sure a lot of effort went into it, but it just doesn't speak to me at all in a conceptual way. I'd liked it better without the robot stuff and the slow flyby.
Technically this is solid, the visuals are nice and I'm sure a lot of effort went into it, but it just doesn't speak to me at all in a conceptual way. I'd liked it better without the robot stuff and the slow flyby.
looks very nice in the beginning (especially the blobs) but all those wobwob deformations and the jumps with the ribbons at the end made no sense to me. it also felt very empty after the clock-scene :( so piggie.
Nice one! I agree with the above about the concept/storyline, but this is a solid demo nevertheless.
doesn't run here. (x64, AMD HD6850)
about this "beta-dont-spread" crap: if you release it on a party - you release it. no excuse for not providing a binary. feel free to make a final but a binary has to be provided. else, where's the point in releasing demos?!
about this "beta-dont-spread" crap: if you release it on a party - you release it. no excuse for not providing a binary. feel free to make a final but a binary has to be provided. else, where's the point in releasing demos?!
doesn't run here,too (I7,8GB Ram,Nvidia 2GB)
i watch it on YT!
i watch it on YT!
dontwork - i7-980, 24gb, gt240
utube plz
utube plz
good product !
I don't see what you did here, but I still like it. :)
Doesn't run here. And I tried the youtube version. Man that buffering sucks.
From what I saw on the YT, the tech seems good but the direction and presentation are really behind :\
cubes dont work when you switch them off. either let them stay on or throw them away alltogether. bending and twisting just doesnt work.
orchestral music is not my cup of tea for this. dont know how much time you put on this, but it looks unfinished. you should have put more time on the details (but i guess it was lack of time).
orchestral music is not my cup of tea for this. dont know how much time you put on this, but it looks unfinished. you should have put more time on the details (but i guess it was lack of time).
Good solid stuff! Liked this a lot
Dunno, it`s more of the same from them, good but not anything i will watch again, sorry.
Nice demoscene and good winner at TG13 :)
Nice nice
weird stuff :D
Nice and solid Demo! I enjoyed it a lot. Will watch it more than once...
Empty shell. Why would I watch this again?
quality tentacles and those cubes rocked. Especially when changing the cube effect from robot to robot.. I wish the plasma distortion was a bit more organic somehow. also animation seems to be improving quite a lot since earlier playpsyco demos.
robot guy dancing dubstep with friends
I dig the first half. The 2nd part was really just "meh"...
I really liked this one.
The introduction was very strong. Loved the code and gfx of it. It kinda went a little off track into nowhere, but luckily that part wasn't that long. Surprisingly the soundtrack did exactly the same, strong at the beginning than a feeling of undecided wannabe "Orchestral dubstep" leading to a fast pace dubstep with slow scenes. That didnt fit. Still the code and gfx me likes so the thumb is still up, although its not a strong one.
It has some good scenes but all in all it deserves no thumb up.
weird, but not bad ..
the whole robot/gargoyle part is.. bleh, but the rest and effects are ok
Surprisingly good, and soundtrack is superb apart from the very "meh" dubwubwub.
passable scenes but very disconnected and lacking coherent flow.
wtf concept & really kitch scenes but I liked the direction/sync and the execution is solid as usual.
PlayPsyCo-demos have always had a high degree of utter WTF-randomness to them (which I like :), but this one was a little too .. well .. random. It seems to want to paint a picture of a story, but I just don't have any clue what that story might be.
The music is solid, but felt underused. There's also a feeling of FX recycling here, which I won't judge because I'm guilty of that myself. :)
All in all, I don't know what to make of this, really, but it's not "bad" in the traditional sense, and because I don't believe in the Pouet ethos of "Expected more!!!", thumb it is.
The music is solid, but felt underused. There's also a feeling of FX recycling here, which I won't judge because I'm guilty of that myself. :)
All in all, I don't know what to make of this, really, but it's not "bad" in the traditional sense, and because I don't believe in the Pouet ethos of "Expected more!!!", thumb it is.
That's one hell of an ugly robot. All-in-all this is ok to me...
annoying music.
what the hell did i just watch
Both visuals and music was great until 2:10... From then on it was "not my cup of tea". Solid stuff though!
A mixed bag with good, bad and ugly. All in all, quite average.
Great effects..but lacked major awesome playpsyco badness like previous releases.
lovely weirdness
I just like the voxelizer effect here.
Visually it's great too, but nothing that can make me distinguish/remember this from other Playpsyco demos. Darkness, Robots and in your ears music.
Visually it's great too, but nothing that can make me distinguish/remember this from other Playpsyco demos. Darkness, Robots and in your ears music.
i dunno, i must somehow like PPC. even stuff like this i can rewatch:)
sadly worse than outstanding last year demo. Technically net wit polished models and good effects, but I miss your imagination and surealistic feeling like in your previous works.
Maybe it was meant as a compofiler, but I cannot thumb this down, because slick models and great Kaktusen score
Maybe it was meant as a compofiler, but I cannot thumb this down, because slick models and great Kaktusen score
Cool stuff as always!
I kind of like it. Very abrupt ending though.
didnt do anything for me, sorry.
Super anims. And ribbons!
one of my favorite easter2013 demos
cube robots
Hey everybody! We might have figured out what ASD did nearly a decade ago and decided to execute it in the worst style possible!
happy robot meeting with an abrupt ending
well. this is really good. great lighting. great robots. great everything!
technically sound but absolutely appalling direction!
oh come on! it's a neat demo.
dudes. what happened to positivity?
I don't get the purpose of the robots and what you are trying to convery.
looks great! and awesome music in the build-up orchestral phase.
Great graphics and content. Music ok in the first part, the too much drum n bass style. But great demo !
Mine didn't run since I got. Log.txt showed:
"wglCreateContextAttribsARB failed
createGLContext failed
Got DESTROY message
createWindow failed"
It was decent on YouTube.
"wglCreateContextAttribsARB failed
createGLContext failed
Got DESTROY message
createWindow failed"
It was decent on YouTube.
Sorry, this is probably the worst big demo I have seen in a while, and a major step back for playsycho in terms of design. It is a "what not to do" bible, that contains horrors such as the decision to add this horrible postprocessing twisting effect over the nice voxelized mesh.
this is motherfunky great. but it seriously, seriously needed more work on the models. and like, some longer story. i'll be waiting for a part2.
nothing new but gets to me after all
pretty good, the music is very well made.
Liked the clock and the first half of the music; the dubstep withe the weid-moves-making robots were a little too weird for me. all in all, the first part is more awesome than the second one sucks, so it is still good after all for me
What Triace said, give or take.
Not bad
nice audio.
visual side could have been more finished.
visual side could have been more finished.
How could i have missed it? I accidentally encountered it on YT and I just had to thumb it up.
hm come to think of it it wasn't that bad after all
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