manifesto by Thesuper
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popularity : 64% |
alltime top: #2666 |
added on the 2014-07-13 00:49:13 by diver ![]() |
popularity helper
nice one, some really cool effects. also, rich with graphics and nice tune.
rulez added on the 2014-07-13 01:18:43 by bonefish 

Very good demo!
Just. The. Super. :)
This demo is super!
The graphics/style is fun to watch. But most of the things animations, no interesting effect.
We are not ALONE!
Nice visuals and american comics style. Didnt' catched manifesto point at all.
I like it.
Very cool and i enjoyed the big pics.
great, i dont know how you managed to avoid clashing
Great art :)
Always in our faces. Good stuff.
OMG, more!
stylish & funky!
There is a walking man in every thesuper demo. This man goes where no man stepped before. This is a comic-styled demo with funny jokes, but thesuper are dead serious. Why make demos? is it to show proficiency of coders? the talent of artists and musicians? or is it something a bit bigger? and if it is, why do we care about the stuff under the bonnet quite so much? Thanks guys, this demo rules big time.
My end is opened.
My end is opened.
Lots of animations, but used quite well to add to the design and style, nice presentation and i dig the music as usual :)
Animations or not, this is quite an enjoyable demo with excellent music!
Your demos have started turning into a few frame animations, but still worth a thumb.
Way too many animations, but also way too much style and good graphics so I still have to thumb this up...
Great colours. Great animations.
@Marq: nothing wrong with animations if they are well done
Surely most 8-bit stuff is some sort of fake in the end, but rt stuff is IMO worth more than an image viewer.
Bravo Dr.WHO and the company! BRAVISSIMO!!!
Awesome !
just best !
Cool animations, but what's the source of those ripped/repainted cartoons? Seen at least one of them before.
Lovely animations.
Guys, you are as always cool.
one of the rare occasions a speccy prod makes me say YAY!
lots of animations, good flow
Ahuenno! ^^
Nice. arghhh!
Great looking and fun demo!
Great art and design, super nice!
I'm just going to leave this here:

True animation
lvdpecker, push your efforts to code, not to looking for "ripped gfx".
At least Mr.Scrolollo(yor clone) ripped music and gfx from C64(2 releases)
At least Mr.Scrolollo(yor clone) ripped music and gfx from C64(2 releases)
I don't mind a bit of creative ripping normally, if it's not done too much and ideally mentioned somewhere, for example in the nfo file.
However, for a demo so heavily dependent on static GFX and pure animations, this is very disappointing. I wish I could change my thumb up into a (weak) piggy. :(
However, for a demo so heavily dependent on static GFX and pure animations, this is very disappointing. I wish I could change my thumb up into a (weak) piggy. :(
Pretty sure most of the ripped pictures are not CC, i.e. still copyrighted, surprised this wasn't disqualified. At least I'm missing the credits to all the people who drew them who are not in your group but in Google Images for clip art...
So your group doesn't have artists or coders that can code effects on the Speccy. Pretty soon though, we can just convert some Youtube video to the platform of our choice and make our own demos with the commandline "notademo somethingthatifoundthatlooksnice.flv popularsong.mp3" and you won't need a musician either. Brave new world!
Feeling the Animation Invasion yet?
So your group doesn't have artists or coders that can code effects on the Speccy. Pretty soon though, we can just convert some Youtube video to the platform of our choice and make our own demos with the commandline "notademo somethingthatifoundthatlooksnice.flv popularsong.mp3" and you won't need a musician either. Brave new world!
Feeling the Animation Invasion yet?
Actually DR. WHO is a decent coder.
What Photon said....
Not bad. :)
YAY! The first thesuper demo that got two thumb downs! new record!
p.s. Duck you all, copyright lovers!
p.p.s. And all of you. PLEASE, CONVERT YOUTUBE VIDEO TO SPECTRUM! DO IT! and i will be the first who give you thumb up!
p.s. Duck you all, copyright lovers!
p.p.s. And all of you. PLEASE, CONVERT YOUTUBE VIDEO TO SPECTRUM! DO IT! and i will be the first who give you thumb up!
nice prod.. the animation stuff could be a job for "the algorithm".. :).. Would be nice to see his converters for hires modes (like the speccy seems to have).. But anyways nice prod.
@mad, no, ZX Spectrum does not have any hires modes. Only various kinds of "enhanced" clones have such modes. When assessing the technical side of things, please also take into account that "Manifesto" packs all of the presented content into less than 200Kb and you do not have to deal with "pre-calc" and "decrunching" of any kind.
"still hating animation?"
many of those effects could have been done realtime.
pretty awesome design tho, turning the really bad speccy palette into an advantage is ammazing.
many of those effects could have been done realtime.
pretty awesome design tho, turning the really bad speccy palette into an advantage is ammazing.
Surely most 8-bit stuff is some sort of fake in the end
replace "most" to "bad"
can someone tell me when copy graphics or animated part became prohibited at the scene?
I can't recall anything worse than C64 palette.
It good only for drawing corpses, carrion and rotten food.
It good only for drawing corpses, carrion and rotten food.
@Oswald, I know some of your very impressive work for C64. However, I cannot help but think that your remark about "many of these effects could have been done realtime" is unfair. There is a price to pay for any real time effects: precalc times, higher memory requirements, lower frame rates, reduced effective resolutions, lesser sophistication of the resulting imagery etc etc. So, when you are saying things like "many effects could have been done realtime" and at the same time "pretty awesome design", I end up thinking that you treat "design" as some kind of separate entity from what is shown on the screen 75% of the time (OK, 50% of the time in this particular demo).
Maybe this is not the right time and place to discuss these things here and I am sure they have been discussed to death before. However, in my personal opinion, if "classic" demo platforms like ZX Spectrum are to compete with the modern demo platforms in terms of the resulting imagery, one must become a lot more pragmatic about ideals like "fully realtime effect", whatever the hell it means anyway.
Maybe this is not the right time and place to discuss these things here and I am sure they have been discussed to death before. However, in my personal opinion, if "classic" demo platforms like ZX Spectrum are to compete with the modern demo platforms in terms of the resulting imagery, one must become a lot more pragmatic about ideals like "fully realtime effect", whatever the hell it means anyway.
i always thought it's all about how it looks, not how it's made. a fortiori on 8-bit platform where you have to choose between "realtime" and speed.
and what diver said.
and what diver said.
and i totally agree with introspec. can't be said more accurate.
okay, I give in, here's my thumb, :)
yes, I've totally oldschool views on demos, effects matters, design is packaging -> I'm a coder. & yes, I see all this realtime rulez attitude is getting very outdated by todays standards, and hardware.
If your goal was to mimick today's pc demos, no matter what, you've done pretty well indeed. But for me - as back in the days - doing stuff realtime that was thought "impossible" before is what demos are about.
Nice pictures with a cool anim player (=1 effect in the demo) is much less effort than doing it really.
and I really believe, that fex. the speccy has enough power to make 3d filled objects while also setting attribute memory for more colors fex. why no1 did that so far? (cubeish thing and pistol)
The tunnel, even mirrored once - wouldnt be very hard to make it a table effect looking up a 16x16 texture.
the radius plasma thing (2:49) could easily again manipulate both bitmap & attributes. the plasma in the intro in error 23 does that, what does stop speccy doing it ?
but then again, its just my possibly outdated views on how demos should work from the inside.
yes, I've totally oldschool views on demos, effects matters, design is packaging -> I'm a coder. & yes, I see all this realtime rulez attitude is getting very outdated by todays standards, and hardware.
If your goal was to mimick today's pc demos, no matter what, you've done pretty well indeed. But for me - as back in the days - doing stuff realtime that was thought "impossible" before is what demos are about.
Nice pictures with a cool anim player (=1 effect in the demo) is much less effort than doing it really.
and I really believe, that fex. the speccy has enough power to make 3d filled objects while also setting attribute memory for more colors fex. why no1 did that so far? (cubeish thing and pistol)
The tunnel, even mirrored once - wouldnt be very hard to make it a table effect looking up a 16x16 texture.
the radius plasma thing (2:49) could easily again manipulate both bitmap & attributes. the plasma in the intro in error 23 does that, what does stop speccy doing it ?
but then again, its just my possibly outdated views on how demos should work from the inside.
@Oswald, I thought I knew just the kind of speccy demo you'd like, but it already has a thumb up from you: :)
There is a big discussion at Spectrum scene currently, whether we want more slow(ish) chunky 3D effects, the kind that was popular in the late 1990s, or whether one should focus more on 2D, brighter colours and overall design. It is actually lovely to see that C64 scene seems to be having similar doubts.
As for me personally, I believe that overall design can contribute just as much to this perception of "impossible". I am one of those coders without strong moral principles. Although this may be mine own misguided way of thinking :)
There is a big discussion at Spectrum scene currently, whether we want more slow(ish) chunky 3D effects, the kind that was popular in the late 1990s, or whether one should focus more on 2D, brighter colours and overall design. It is actually lovely to see that C64 scene seems to be having similar doubts.
As for me personally, I believe that overall design can contribute just as much to this perception of "impossible". I am one of those coders without strong moral principles. Although this may be mine own misguided way of thinking :)
As always thesuper delivers superb demo!
@introspec: yeah, on the c64 these days it is the design & small pixels craze, and I dont really like this trend. effects instead of improved are going sub par (no more room for improving on pixel effects & not enough talented coders), or animations (censor), etc. I want 'em both. effect + packaging.
I lol'd
does anyone able to propose gfx?
does anyone able to propose gfx?
Animation and copied graphics? It's nearly an Amiga demo! :D
Still good style and good stuff!
Still good style and good stuff!
Also props for using something made in that dumb vapourwave/net art trend :D
There is some simple thing why I don't like lots of conversions in demos. Especially when they are not explicitely shown as being such.
When I see the demo for the first time, I would think "oh cool, they've managed to draw such a picture!" or "oh cool, they've managed to create such an animation!".
Then, after some time, I get to know on pouet, or I google pictures myself and it turns that everything is just a conversion -- nobody in the demo managed to draw nice pictures and render animations -- just bunch of not so tiresome conversions.
So that's a real pity for me. I feel that I've been deceived by that demo. So no conversions please, at least quiet conversions as in this demo.
2 DR. WHO, if you read this: I WANT YOU TO CODE MORE COOL FEECTS IN YOUR DEMOS, please! :)
When I see the demo for the first time, I would think "oh cool, they've managed to draw such a picture!" or "oh cool, they've managed to create such an animation!".
Then, after some time, I get to know on pouet, or I google pictures myself and it turns that everything is just a conversion -- nobody in the demo managed to draw nice pictures and render animations -- just bunch of not so tiresome conversions.
So that's a real pity for me. I feel that I've been deceived by that demo. So no conversions please, at least quiet conversions as in this demo.
2 DR. WHO, if you read this: I WANT YOU TO CODE MORE COOL FEECTS IN YOUR DEMOS, please! :)
excellent prod and drawer ! love it ! thanx for proding \o/
You know we live in interesting times when Spectrum demos give Amiga ones a run for their money
Thanks for beaty prod, bro!
Fake or not, I like the tune and design of the show :)
Ah the old 'realtime vs animation' debate.
The design and fresh feel of this one is a winner for me.
The design and fresh feel of this one is a winner for me.
very entertaining, well done.
I support lvd on idea, that conversions are always a HUGE disappointment.
the super
Great demo but the music does not work for me.
fuck yes!!
hmm, perhaps a BIT less fuck yes!! after knowing about the ripping, but I still like the prod :D
the demo was good but all the ripping was not.
don't get me wrong, i'm all in favor of remix culture, but this abuse just made a great demo look cheap. i know you can do better then this with original content.
don't get me wrong, i'm all in favor of remix culture, but this abuse just made a great demo look cheap. i know you can do better then this with original content.
still a fresh prod with a cool tune
Enjoyable, nice bunch of animations. Enjoyable to watch.
nice one
Great ZX Spectrum demo, just saw this for the first time on the Black Valley 2023 stream
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