
SX-Lan3 invitro by Razor 1911 [web]
screenshot added by Stv on 2002-10-10 18:11:55
platform :
type :
release date : october 2002
  • 4
  • 17
  • 10
popularity : 63%
  • -0.19
alltime top: #48907
added on the 2002-10-10 18:07:22 by blkpanther blkpanther

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ok this isnt really an invitro cuz the game-party (yeyyea i know games sux) was last weekend. anyway it have some realy nice effects for a 64k invitro...tnx alot stv. and also tnx alot blz for the nice msx which fited very well. unfortunatly we couldnt play the music on the big screen cuz the sound-system didnt worked the way it should.
Finaly an intro from Razor with style... i'm glad to see razor doing good stuff again :)
rulez added on the 2002-10-10 18:19:14 by kenet kenet
aherm... well its just an invtro, but the music is gorgeous =)
added on the 2002-10-10 18:48:18 by Panda Panda
design : sux... ugly...
code : normal... (i don't know what did u do with ur cubes, but either adapt u z clipping range or/and weld the vertices... )
music : boring...
sucks added on the 2002-10-10 18:48:53 by spengler spengler
i didnt see anything even "ok" in this prod.
the code simply sucks, the design is empty crap, the music is like, nothing ;-)
sucks added on the 2002-10-10 19:21:01 by Hatikvah Hatikvah
Uh, I've got some complaints here... 1995 called, their want their intros back... and the AOL users' union wrote something that you ripped off their homepage design templates... just FYI
sucks added on the 2002-10-10 19:50:37 by kb_ kb_
seemed like a decent enough invtro to me? People just seem to dislike razor..
added on the 2002-10-10 19:53:48 by XteNt XteNt
"The application failed to initialize blabla"
>seemed like a decent enough invtro to me? People just seem to dislike razor...

haha right...look at all the crap those users release (if ever they do). its like...ohhh damn lets flame rzr1911 that gives us respect....ur nothing. if u cant creticize like a normal person who DOES cares about demosscene then u better should not post here. else flame us!
lets take a look
added on the 2002-10-10 20:14:27 by superplek superplek
well now:

- torus, 3 blended triangles
- blobs, very inaccurate :( looks like a 20x20x20 grid or so
- cubes
- ultimately cheesy particle system, featuring a few hundred particles (if not less)

and it's over

now PLEASE, can't people invest a little *more* time? or at least halfway decent executions of cheesy effects?

sucks added on the 2002-10-10 20:19:37 by superplek superplek
WOW suplerplek makes some kind of comments to our stuff...not just flaming. amazing. i thought u was one of the wannabees...looks as u begin to grow up.
don't make me remind you of the fact that your arrogance is very, VERY out of place.
added on the 2002-10-10 20:41:02 by superplek superplek
lol my arrogance....i almost never post anything here....and noone in our team is arrogant...thats for sure. sure our jokes may sometimes go a bit to far (/me looks at izm)...but if damn u should just relaxe abit.

*end of this descussion from my site*
Im not allowed to chat on pouet my mom IZM say there are gaynerdpedofiles in here. So ima shutup, but XteNt is right 100%,
rulez added on the 2002-10-10 21:06:23 by JUVENiLESHiTHEAD JUVENiLESHiTHEAD
plek: you forgot some stuff:
screenshoot part lacks correct scaling for the wireframe "outline", if thats what you wanted you should scale the vectors by its direction otherwise it will look like crap..

20x20x20? i would more likely say 10x10x10 ;-)

acctually theres nothing good in this at all like i said earlier ;)

we dont dislike razor1911, we dislike this new group who doesnt make anything good but claims they are gods
added on the 2002-10-10 21:19:25 by Hatikvah Hatikvah
Blobs effect was good.
However, the design and Production was boring...:)
sucks added on the 2002-10-10 21:24:39 by got got
it was pretty crummy, but I actually* enjoyed the music*. uh-oh. as the Hissyfits sang, there must be something wrong with me. (but you knew that already)
sucks added on the 2002-10-10 21:44:49 by sagacity sagacity
yep, very boring. The music wasn't too bad, at least
sucks added on the 2002-10-10 22:34:25 by cats cats
stefan: gimme a break, i was irc'ing in the meanwhile ;)

hey let's all chant: ( (c) michael zager and his band )

added on the 2002-10-10 23:02:47 by superplek superplek
bp : Some quote for you :

"I hope you enjoy this disk from the heroes behind razor1911."

The heroes ? Which heroes ? Ah, the one 'hero' and the rest learning to code, releasing bullshit and claiming to be heroes. I got it.
sucks added on the 2002-10-10 23:36:04 by nufan nufan
9:00am - having a look on pouet.com
9:01am - realizing rzr has new stuff on it...
9:02am - looking up some original statements in the "big book of flames"
9:03am - adding comment
9:30am - downloading + having a look at product

nufan: thats totaly stupid...if u dont like chipdisk#2 then add ur comment there. whats to terrible at "heroes behind rzr1911"...just some loosy sentence...nothing more...thtats not arrogant. have u ever been into scene before? those "slogans" maybe stupid/wrong but not arrogant or anything.
bp :

My comment was not directly as to chipdisk #2, but instead I commented on the arrogance some rzr people show without having any reputation. We can discuss this point in the chipdisk thread if you'd like to, but it fit's here quit well, I guess.

Apart from that, the stupid thing about that hero-slogan is just that it is based on the famous name of a group which doesn't exist anymore. The current Razor 1911 can in no way be compared to what Razor used to be years ago, neither are the people the same nor are the releases ok. Just surfing on the wave of fame from the good ol' days and nothing more.
added on the 2002-10-11 00:53:45 by nufan nufan
I dunno. This wasn't as bad some comments might suggest, but it wasn't super-wonderful either. Just simple enough that it works.
hehe, now i ran this. horror gallore of bugs :-D
nothing special - but after all it is only an invitro eh...
added on the 2002-10-11 07:38:23 by verm verm
nufan: wft ? who told you i'm learning to code ? it was fast finished nothing more...
Stefan & plek: 15x15x15 grid and i WANTED that ! (especially for DiamonDie computer ! ;))
Don't forget that purpose in invitro is to be informative not real 2d/3d show ...
Plek: u are right, we need to invest more time but for why ? i think if razor go a *good* prod, the comments will be same ...

This was my last comment on pouet
added on the 2002-10-11 09:25:28 by Stv Stv
Razor people should create a new demogroup with another groupname.
added on the 2002-10-11 10:29:31 by norecess norecess
Liked some parts (including the grid stuff), disliked others. Music goes nowhere. It was okey. And no, I don't comment on the usual 'razor old vs. razor new' debate. :)

(p.s.: I didn't know that LAN-parties also have invitation intros)
added on the 2002-10-11 10:38:28 by tomaes tomaes
I think its very cool and smart by ppl to talk bullshit about sumethin they dont know anything about. Honestly, how do you know what members we have, how long they have been in the group etc etc? You dont know shit. You are the quest for fame by flame nerds. So, next time you say somethin about old groupname new members, check some facts. Or are you trying to say that all groups should have exatcly the same members as when they were founded and not take anymore members? Sounds very smart? This is also my last comment on pouet.
i watched this and it was shit...
sucks added on the 2002-10-11 10:55:10 by uns3en_ uns3en_
" 15x15x15 grid and i WANTED that ! (especially for DiamonDie computer ! ;)) "

give me one good reason to 'want' that ;)
added on the 2002-10-11 11:58:23 by superplek superplek
plek: since it should look like razor1911 'quality'? ;-P
added on the 2002-10-11 12:26:58 by Hatikvah Hatikvah
Sweet music
rulez added on the 2002-10-11 13:03:30 by JosSs JosSs
dubmood: as an ex-razor1911-democrew member i'd say i have quite some insider knowledge, and from what i know NONE of those who release under the label razor1911 were in razor1911-democrew when i was (with the peeps that now shape fairlight demo-crew).
macaw: and that crew you where in was not even the original razor1911 crew right? so they are up in 5th-6th generation or so now? ;p
added on the 2002-10-11 13:31:47 by Hatikvah Hatikvah
superplek,macaw,stefan ;] /me gives each one of u a candy ;]

now lets try... " maaa maaa"
oh guys try harder ... " ma ma"
oh wasnt that difficult,wasnt it? ;]
cute ;]

i hope at lest in real life someone take u serious guys ;]


added on the 2002-10-11 16:06:31 by blz blz
stefan, trc was still around at that time...
added on the 2002-10-11 16:21:11 by pantaloon pantaloon
sometimes i wonder where this ignorance comes from. if one of you would open your eyes for a change.. :)

neither do i understand why you're not dumping your tunes and graphics somewhere where they would be used in a honourfull manner, blz.
added on the 2002-10-11 17:49:21 by superplek superplek
i think if razor go a *good* prod, the comments will be same ...
you could at least try to do a *good* prod first, before claiming that..
sucks added on the 2002-10-11 18:33:53 by bhead bhead
bhead: this also implies they *know* they're making crap. :)
added on the 2002-10-11 18:43:56 by sagacity sagacity
plek: coz razor deserves it,letting razor just to die and walk away would be the easiest way to do.
its all about fun,i dont treat scene as a rat race ,thats why i dont understand all this flamewar thing...
everyone have a right to his opinion ,but what for use is all this dissing thing...
im playin this game for a over 13 years now ,and never saw so much "hate" pointed in one direction...another thing i dont understand.
anyway,rzr is great friends and fun...great prods r matter of time only.
and those of u who know me,shouldnt have doubts about this

stay cool.
added on the 2002-10-11 19:39:38 by blz blz
it's about time for 'world sagacity day' ;)
added on the 2002-10-11 20:22:01 by superplek superplek
looks good its ok for a invtro
i like the sfx
added on the 2002-10-12 00:04:29 by Kenson Kenson
totally average stuff... music's not bad. it woldn't call the dots part a "particle system"... it's just a bunch of linearly moving dots.
added on the 2002-10-12 19:09:00 by jazzman jazzman
while blz's music (from razorchipdisk 2, get it!) is just stylish and well-done, I've also seen some amazing blobs effects. The rest - I have to stay truthful - is a little boring and empty, even for an invitro. however, we know razor can do much better - and those who keep on ragging should do the same before opening their stinking hole.

Although I admit, I love these newbies trying their best to gain attention once in their life :)
added on the 2002-10-13 23:27:41 by Chotaire Chotaire
OK but nothing special.
The design is really awful. Too much text, too small font. Also the "effects" kinda sucked. Only the music was good.
added on the 2002-12-28 17:37:20 by dairos dairos
cool design, relaxing music. i like it!
rulez added on the 2006-01-06 14:00:47 by v3nom v3nom
added on the 2014-03-12 22:21:22 by maracuja maracuja

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