
Bubbly by Joel "Bylkki" Pitkänen

Bubbly Assembly05 gamedev competition entry

This game isn't very glamorous since I never intented for it to be an Assembly gamedev compo entry. I was encouraged by my friends to participate, so I did, just for the heck of it. I'm not in this for the prices; I just wan't to see my game on the big screen, that's the best price I can get(If I can even get to the big screen with this) :)

Installation & getting started:

Unzip the Bubbly.zip to a desired folder. Use the config.exe to adjust the settings to your liking or just run Bubbly.exe to start the game with the default settings.


In Bubbly you control the small bubble with the yellow circle around it. 
Your goal is to  collect other bubbles coming from the bottom of the sea heading towards the
surface. Some bastard however is dropping spike balls from the surface. Avoid the spike balls at all costs; They will break your bubble and then the game is over :( Naturally the spike balls also destroy the other bubbles.

By collecting bubbles you gain score and your own bubble grows bigger 
and bigger. Don't miss any bubbles! Every time you miss a bubble the game gains a little 
bit more speed. Speed also increases when a bubble gets burst by a spike ball. There are also special bubbles: The red bubble gives random bonuses and the green bubble increases the score multiplier. Because I was running out of time and ideas, there are only 3 different bonuses. :(

Bonuses can either harm or help you. How long the bonus lasts depends on how well you play. If a lot of bubbles get burst by spike balls the bonus will wear out fast. If you play well the bonus will last longer(In theory the bonus could last forever if you take all bubbles before any of them get destroyed. This however is practically impossible :P). Keep in mind that the same goes for harmful bonuses. If you play well the harmful bonus will last longer, but you could always let bubbless collide with spike balls so the bonus will wear out faster. Do keep in mind that this will also increase the game speed. ;)

When you start the game your score multiplier will be set to 1. If you get a score multiplier bubble the multiplier will increase by 0.5 until the score multiplier reaches 3. After that every score multiplier bubble will increase the multiplier by 0.1.

Note: When you enter the high scores and you have internet highscores enabled, the program will fetch the scores from the internet. This might not always work fast depending on the traffic on the server. Fetching the scores will HALT other activity of the game(The bubbles and spikes won't move in the background, music will play however) the game hasn't crashed even if it might seem so. Same goes for uploading your local scores. So please be patient. Usually the server works reasonably fast. :)

Note2: I know the musics are.. Well, horrible. I suggest you turn the musics off and put your own favourite music playing on the background.

Joel "Bylkki" PitkΣnen http://www.bylkki.urli.net