
The Mistake by Nuclear Meltdown Productions [web]

                     ┌─┐┌─┐ o ┌──┐ ┌─┬─┐ ┌───┐ ╕ ┌   ┌──┐
                     │ ╘╛ │ │ └──┐   │   ├───┤ ├─┤   ├─
                     │    │ │    │   │   │   │ │ └┐  │
                     ╘    ╛   └──┘   ┴   ╘   ╛ ╛  ╘  └──┘

                 - by Clueless/Nuclear Meltdown Productions -

                   - a Best New Effect entry at NAiD '96 -
                                - ?th place -

This effect is (obviously) a derivation of the common fire effect.  It
got its name because I wasn't planning on making it.  =)  I made a little
boo boo during the development of my own fire routines and this is what
came out.  Even though it's kinda slow on my DX2/66 I think it looks
pretty cool.  Oh well...my final fire routines are faster, don't worry.

The initialization and some other little parts are in C, but the main
fire part is in ASM.  If I remember correctly this 'fire' averages from
all eight pixels around one, and then shifts it up one pixel.  The
mistake part is when the color gets down below zero (gets to 1 and then
subtracts 2).  Oh well.  Looks cool.  Gotta run.  Hope you like it.

Contact Info
To drop me some mail see the enclosed NMINFO13.TXT.

- Joe Snow/NM
- All NAiD people (Atomic Dreamer, Kain, Vector, Sketch, the Snuh)
- All NAiD organizers/helpers
- Wally/TLOTB

cya l8r

                                                - Clueless '96