
Happy-Hardcore XMas EP 2002 by BaSShuT [web]

        ______   _____  ____    ____   .___.    __|   /__.
        \____ )_/  _ /_/  _/___/  _/___| __|___/  l   \  |_ _
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      \\_________/-/____/      /       /__/    /_______/______/
     _):                                                     :(_
    \\.:            B   A   S   S   H   U   T                :.//
      |:_     h a p p y h a r d c o r e x m a s e p         _:|
      ::/_                                                 _\::
     _:: /_________________________________________________\ ::_
     \.:__/\__                                               :./
      |:\    /                                               :|
      |:/_  _\    BaSShut Happy Hardcore Gemeinschaft        :|
      |:  \/(_)      presents                     o          :|
      |:      ()        hh-xmasep2k+2              ()_       :|
      |:        o                                   (_)/\__  :|
      |:          .  http://www.basshut.de           \    /  :|
      |:_               info@basshut.de              /_  _\ _:|
     _|:/_                                             \/  _\:|_
     \:: /_________________________________________________\ ::/
     \.:                                                     :./
      |:                 ...about this ep...                 :|
      |:                                                     :|
      |: in the middle of november 2002, we had the idea for :|
      |: this ep and so some sceners (listed below) formed   :|
      |: basshut. after only a few hours of planning we had  :|
      |: a first concept, three weeks later after continuous :|
      |: work (we had to do it that quick, because we wanted :|
      |: the people to have something out of the ep _this_   :|
      |: year) we can present you our ep and hope that you   :|
      |: have a lot of fun with it.                          :|
      |:                                                     :|
      |: if you have problems with the ep or want to report  :|
      |: bugs, please mail to info@basshut.de                :|
      |:                                                     :|
      |: your basshut-team                                   :|
     _|:/_                                                 _\:|_
     \:: /_________________________________________________\ ::/
     \.:                                                     :./
      |:                                                     :|
      |:                    ...credits...                    :|
      |:                                                     :|
      |:             code.................muhmac             :|
      |:             gfx..................dfox               :|
      |:             ascii................d0N                :|
      |:             music................scamp              :|
      |:             music................sobec              :|
      |:             music................paniq              :|
      |:             music................seismic            :|
      |:             music................spy-da             :|
      |:             music................jco                :|
      |:_                                                   _:|
     _|:/_                                                 _\:|_
     \:: /_________________________________________________\ ::/
     \.:                                                     :./
      |:                  ...tracklist...                    :|
      |:                                                     :|
      |:  scamp feat. aled jones                             :|
      |:   |___                           snowman mr. freeze :|
      |:                                                     :|
      |:  sobec vs. mariah carey                             :|
      |:   |___              all i want for christmas is you :|
      |:                                                     :|
      |:  paniq                                              :|
      |:   |___                 ohh betlehem du kleine stadt :|
      |:                                                     :|
      |:  seismic vs. roy black                              :|
      |:   |___                            alle jahre wieder :|
      |:                                                     :|
      |:  spy-da vs. rolf zuckowski                          :|
      |:   |___                  lieber guter weihnachtsmann :|
      |:                                                     :|
      |:  jco feat shorty                                    :|
      |:   |___             oh du fr÷hliche (frohlocket mix) :|
      |:_                                                   _:|
     _|:/_                                                 _\:|_
     \:: /_________________________________________________\ ::/
     \.:                                                     :./
      |:    ...info/greetings from the basshut-members...    :|
      |:                                                     :|
      |: Spy-da^digitalsoundlabs^speckdrumm greets:          :|
      |: Basshut^Digitalsoundlabs^Speckdrumm^Freestyle       :|
      |: Blackmaiden^Scoopex^Inside^Park^Metalvotze          :|
      |: Abductee,Igoronimo,Raxolosch,Salvius,CoNNan,Sully,  :|
      |: Tier,Dualtrax,Topy44,Bacter,Netpoet,all i forgot    :|
      |: Merry X-mas to you all out there!!!                 :|
      |: very personal greetings: FOLIBA!                    :|
      |:                                                     :|
      |: --------------------------------------------------- :|
      |:                                                     :|
      |: Sobec^skullpture^speckdrumm says:                   :|
      |: seismic had this funny idea some weeks ago,         :|
      |: - and well - here it is! enjoy this fine piece of   :|
      |: happy-hardcore (100% tracked!, no VST!, no FX-Gen!. :|
      |: DIG!), vor allem dicke eier zu weihnachten!         :|
      |:                                                     :|
      |: Greets:                                             :|
      |: skullpture,phenomenon,phoenix,dixan^mfx,            :|
      |: crusader&candyman&,slengpung.com (+all i forgot)    :|
      |: MERRY XMAS!                                         :|
      |: BASSHUT - happy hardcore for YOUR pleasure.         :|
      |:                                                     :|
      |: --------------------------------------------------- :|
      |:                                                     :|
      |: scamp/vacuum-snowman mr. freeze(walking in the air) :|
      |: based on the old xmas cartoon "snowman mr. freeze", :|
      |: featuring vocals by alad jones. Bitte stecken Sie   :|
      |: sich diesen Song nicht oral in die Nase.            :|
      |:                                                     :|
      |: Greetings:                                          :|
      |: fashion, all vacuum-members, ircnet #szene.ger,     :|
      |: all underground conference & future breakpoint      :|
      |: visitors.                                           :|
      |:                                                     :|
      |: Story: 10 years ago or so I watched a(non-demoscene):|
      |: "demo" on the c64. As far as I can remember it was  :|
      |: just a stupid snowman standing around, and there was:|
      |: a sad tune playing. A few years later I decided to  :|
      |: track that melody on a dos tracker, just because I  :|
      |: liked the melody.When I was asked to produce a track:|
      |: for this EP, I first tried to do a cover of "we wish:|
      |: you a merry christmas", but didn't like the result. :|
      |: Then I remembered the cover of the "snowman" melody :|
      |: I once had done, and decided to find out where that :|
      |: melody came from.It turned out to be from an old us.:|
      |: christmas cartoon. I found the original vocals...and:|
      |: well. Boring story, I know. At least it started with:|
      |: the letter "S".                                     :|
      |:                                                     :|
      |: --------------------------------------------------- :|
      |:                                                     :|
      |: D.Fox^Digital Overflow says:                        :|
      |: this was truly a great project. i had a lot of fun. :|
      |: we should do this again sometime ;)                 :|
      |:                                                     :|
      |: greetings to diewissenden/vacuum/smash designs/     :|
      |: salva mea/pap-group/digital overflow/#szene.ger &   :|
      |: all my other friends in- and outside the scene      :|
      |: merry xmas !                                        :|
      |:                                                     :|
      |: --------------------------------------------------- :|
      |:                                                     :|
      |: seismic^digitalsoundlabs^speckdrumm says:           :|
      |: FOLIBA! (www.foliba.org) BUY ONE NOW AND GET 1EURO  :|
      |: (http://breakpoint.untergrund.net)                  :|
      |: don't mess up with my sync, i know it's not         :|
      |: existant ;)                                         :|
      |:                                                     :|
      |: greetings: merle [meine perle (die geilste wo gibt  :|
      |: auf der welt)], mama&papa(ihr seid die geilsten!)   :|
      |: k-w, reenste, spy-da, nikals, wefan stolf,raxolosch,:|
      |: meine geile ex-wg, maike, tim28, egon elektro, die  :|
      |: nacktbader von nacher pardy (ingo/nils),            :|
      |: shiv_serious, paralax, bauchi, blockbuster, evilone,:|
      |: scamp, fashion (folibaaaa), paniq (rulemucke! and   :|
      |: folibasupporter), jco, topy44, and last but not     :|
      |: least bacter and all i forgot!                      :|
      |: Have a merry x-mas 2002 and watch out for a maybe   :|
      |: to come x-mas ep 2003 :)                            :|
      |:                                                     :|
      |: --------------------------------------------------- :|
      |:                                                     :|
      |: paniq says:                                         :|
      |: A gesegnetes Y-Naktsfest zu all my brothers &       :|
      |: sisters on the planet, live long & prosper.         :|
      |:                                                     :|
      |: Greetings to farb-rausch/speckdrumm/vacuum &        :|
      |: the alle-die-ich-forgotten-hab-crew.                :|
      |: Bummbumm. In your face und so.                      :|
      |: Hardcore will never die. Drogen und Gewalt.         :|
      |: Basshut - to boldy rock what noone has rocked       :|
      |: before.                                             :|
      |:                                                     :|
      |: --------------------------------------------------- :|
      |:                                                     :|
      |: jco^diewissende says:                               :|
      |: we wish all of you a happy xmas and a merry new year:|
      |:                                                     :|
      |: Vorerst jedoch ein paar erlΣuternde Worte:          :|
      |: Das vorliegende Werk versucht, nur auf Basis der    :|
      |: landlΣufig bekannten Melodie (nach der              :|
      |: Sizilianischen Volksweise "O Sanctissima")          :| 
      |: verschiedene Aspekte des Originals zu beleuchten    :| 
      |: sowie die ⁿblichen Stereotype humorvoll zu          :|
      |: parodieren, ohne anspruchslos oder lΣcherlich zu    :|
      |: wirken.                                             :|
      |: Das dabei zum Einsatz gekommene Trackwerk           :|
      |: "renoise 1.2 beta" erwies sich dabei als Σu▀erst    :|
      |: nⁿtzlich und nur wenig suckend.                     :|
      |: Im folgenden sollen der Text des Originals und die  :|
      |: optimierte Version gegenⁿbergestellt werden, um     :|
      |: einem jeden eine kritische Betrachtung und wom÷glich:|
      |: die Erkenntnis des Seins schlechthin zu erm÷glichen.:|
      |:                                                     :|
      |: Original:                                           :|
      |:                                                     :|
      |: 1. O du fr÷hliche,                                  :|
      |: O du selige,                                        :|
      |: Gnadenbringende Weihnachtszeit.                     :|
      |: Welt ging verloren,                                 :|
      |: Christ ward geboren,                                :|
      |: Freue, freue dich, o Christenheit!                  :|
      |:                                                     :|
      |: 2. O du fr÷hliche,                                  :|
      |: O du selige,                                        :|
      |: Gnadenbringende Weihnachtszeit.                     :|
      |: Christ ist erschienen,                              :|
      |: Uns zu versⁿhnen,Freue,                             :|
      |: freue dich, o Christenheit!                         :|
      |:                                                     :|
      |: 3. O du fr÷hliche,                                  :|
      |: O du selige,                                        :|
      |: Gnadenbringende Weihnachtszeit.                     :|
      |: Himmlische HeereJauchzen Dir Ehre,                  :|
      |: Freue, freue dich, o Christenheit!                  :|
      |:                                                     :|
      |: Optimierte Version:                                 :|
      |:                                                     :|
      |: 1. O du fr÷hliche,                                  :|
      |: O du selige,                                        :|
      |: Gnadenbringende Weihnachtszeit.                     :|
      |: Welt ging verloren,                                 :|
      |: Christ ward geboren,                                :|
      |: Freue, freue dich (Pause)                           :|
      |:                                                     :|
      |: 2. O du fr÷hliche,                                  :|
      |: O du selige,                                        :|
      |: Fladenschwingende Weinmalzeit.                      :|
      |: Christ ist erschienen,                              :|
      |: Uns zu verprⁿgeln,                                  :|
      |: freue dich, o Christenheid!                         :|
      |:                                                     :|
      |: 3. O du fr÷hliche,                                  :|
      |: O du selige,                                        :|
      |: Fladenschwingende Weinmalzeit.                      :|
      |: Schimmlige Schere,                                  :|
      |: Jauchzende Berge                                    :|
      |: freue dich, o Christenheid!                         :|
      |: Lalalala lalalala la la la!                         :|
      |:                                                     :|
      |:                                                     :|
      |: Um den subversiven Textinhalt fⁿr die Allgemeinheit :|
      |: unzulΣnglich zu machen, wurden keine W÷rter, welche :|
      |: dem besprochenen Sprachgebauch nicht widersprechen, :|
      |: weder unkenntlich noch ersichtlich vermacht. Nicht  :|
      |: vermacht, aber vermieden, wurde gleicherma▀en das,  :|
      |: was viele von denjenigen, die diesen Text nicht     :|
      |: lesen, wahrscheinlich erkennen, aber entkrΣften.    :|
      |: Die Problematik der verdeckten Samples lΣsst sich   :|
      |: somit kaum entbl÷▀en, soweit das ⁿberhaupt m÷glich  :|
      |: ist.                                                :|
      |:                                                     :|
      |: Frohe Weinschlachten!                               :|
      |:                                                     :|
     _|:/_                                                 _\:|_
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     _|:                                            : d0n/1oo:|_
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