
13:37 is nuff by SKiM [web]

                 _____           _______
                /    / ________  )__)___)
      _________/_   / /       /_(__(__(
     /  ___     /  / /       / )__)__)
    /  /       /  /  \      / (__(__(
   /  /_______/  /   / ____/ /      / 
  /        /    /_\_/  \   \/    __/     __
 /_____   /    ____     \       /  \    /  \
      /  /    /  / \     \_____/    \  /    \    
     /  /    /  /   \        \/      \/      \  _______
    /  /____/  /     \        \    /\  /\     \/      /
   /__________/       \        \__/  \/  \___________/
                       \        \  ______  
                        \        \/     / we are not
                         \_____________/ your idols

                 S  K  i  M   
           < Out Of The Schemes >


               Buenzli 13(37)


             an opengl 64k intro


               "13:37 is nuff"

                party version
           there won't be a final

       Let's highlight who did what:
       (also known as "the credits")
                 (64k tech)

    (Design, effects code, graphics, synch)

            Greetings and Respect 
                   fly to:

   Spinning Kids (happy 10th bday, guys!)
     Phantasy, DBCDemo, Digital Devotion
    Conspiracy, Shrimp Designs, syn[RJ]
      Digital Dynamite, Minimalartifact
       TPOLM, Funktion, Black Maiden
    Speckdrumm, Calodox, MFX, Farbrausch
       Kewlers, Haujobb, RGBA, Satori
            Stravaganza, 3State
         Aardbei, Moppi Productions
       t-REX, Madwidzars, Boozeholics
      Surprise!Productions, Greenroom
            All those we forgot

          And we'd like to welcome
      the it.demoscene newcomers, like
         Doctorbiz, Rmeht and Gheza.
          (we're looking forwards 
         to your releases, mates!)
           And of course we don't
          forget the other italian
           longstanding sceners ;)

        And always kiss the hands of
          the DemoMafia Godfather

            Technical thanks to:

 Firelight Multimedia for fmod music system
      All the packer writers out there

          Soolta's personal thanks:
          (i never do such things
             but there's always
                a first time)

                  my family
     my gone relatives and the alive ones
         the "drifting apart" feeling
           the Falling Stars Family
        Mr Rainbow, Mrs Blue Sky and 
       their lil' son Richie Surprise
        Mrs Etna and her red passion
  the One who made them in the night of times
      all my friends, even if you are far
             you're always near

              my favourite nurse
              the far east girl
             the upside-down one
              the smiley chicken
             the german teenager
              Teseo's girlfriend

         and all the angels i've met


          o\zon's personal thanks:

          i never do such things, too
         thanks to all those who care
            you know who you are


                Contact us at:
