Weektro by Bitpopler [web]
BBBB III TTTTT PPPP OOO PPPP L EEEEE RRRR B B I T P P O O P P L E R R BBBB I T PPPP O O PPPP L EEE RRRR B B I T P O O P L E R R BBBB III T P OOO P LLLLL EEEEE R R presents W W EEEEE EEEEE K K TTTTT RRRR OOO W W E E K K T R R O O W W W EEE EEE K K T RRRR O O W W W E E KK K T R R O O W W EEEEE EEEEE K K T R R OOO (weaktro?) gfx: LuNAtiC sfx: ddeml compo machine: ddeml __ / \ / This demo needs a graphics card with pixel shader --< ! \__/ While soundwise it uses pretty much the same engine as rodin the graphics part follows a completely different approach. What you see is a 3D cut through the 4D julia fractal. The fractal parameters are modified through the envelopes used in the sound engine to pretend some sync. All in all it just took us a week to make this tro. have fun. bla.
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