
iNF0 Master

   ·∙ ─ ──┼────────────────────────────────────────────────┐
          │ ...release notes...                            │
          └────────────────────────────────────────────────┼── ─ ∙·
             ...name [iNF0 Master.......................]  ·

             ...type [application.......................]

             ...date [04/11/2006........................]

             ...by   [levil.............................]

             ...url  [http://rapidshare.com/files/2106946/im11.zip.html]

             ...description :

             ...it's an application for makeing NF0 Files
                with useful tools. Generally we saw that
                elton's Nfo Builder was a nice try, but
                those terrible bugs, tt, tt... So LeViL
                decided to write a similar application,
                but much better, with more tools, and of
                course without bugs. That's it. The
                CharChanger, and Mixer are the best of
          ·     this proggy, try it.
   ·∙ ─ ──┼────────────────────────────────────────────────┐
          │ ...intro...                                    │
          └────────────────────────────────────────────────┼── ─ ∙·
             Well...elton! you don't have to hate me.I am  ·
             simply the best. Finally I've made a perfect
             for creating wonderful ascii graphics. This
             program contains much more than it have to
             contain. I've coded utilties inside the
             program to speed up the work of the artists.
             One of the program's best feature is the
             Character Changer. You don't have to believe
             , but it exactly changes characters. You
             have to configure the filter and the program
             will do everything for you.
             Another very powerful tool is the Mixer.
             That fool can mix two file's contents for a
             moment. This can be useful when you want an
             image in the background of your text for
             The program uses SMART Undo/Redo technology
             (evolved by me). Because it's impossible to
             work with layers in 2D I have made a utility
             to lock characters specified by you. With
             that thing, you don't have to worry for
             precise draw. If you lock the "A" character
          ·  it won't allow you to draw on it. Easy.
   ·∙ ─ ──┼────────────────────────────────────────────────┐
          │ ...detailed description...                     │
          └────────────────────────────────────────────────┼── ─ ∙·
             ...current topic : CharChanger                ·

             Yo listen up, here's da story...
             It's the CharChanger. To use it, do this:

             You have two mods : Search'n'Change and
             Change All Except.

             As you can figure out, the first will
             change one by one, so when it finds the
             character, it will change it to the selected
             on the list.
             There are two ways to do this. The first is
             the Queue Mode, where the program searches
             the entire grid for the required character
             and change all the found ones to the
             The AllInOne Mode stays on every part of the
             grid, and checks all the characters from the
             list. If it matches it will change.
             It's possible to change more then one. Watch
             out when configureing the filter. For example
             if the filter contains the following:
               Change "A" to "G"
               Change "B" to "T"
               Change "G" to "D"
             Now when the program finds the "A" character
             it will change it to "G". And after that to
             "D", because (as I said) it will compare all
             the characters from the list with the current
             character on the grid. I think I was loud and
             clear. Let's go ahead.

             The second (Change All Except) changes every
             character to the selected one, except those
             ones, which are on the "white list". In this
             mode it isn't possible to use the Queue Mode,
             because it's logically impossible.

             The S'n'C grid is separated into four columns.
             In the first and second column goes the
             character you are looking for. The third and
             fourt column is for the character to which you
             want to change the first one (which is in the
             first and second column).
             There are two columns for every character,
             because in the first one goes the ascii code
             of the char, and in the second one personally
             the character. The Change All Except grid is
             only into 2 columns. But you have two lists.
             Exactly the first is only for one character,
             and everything will be changed to that one,
             except those on the list down there.

             To add characters to the list, click on the
             grid, and the ascii table pops up. Select a
             character and it will dissapear. Do that again
             and fill the list by the same method.

             ...current topic : Mixer

             So...There are two ways to mix the grid's
             contents. The first is to get the source data
             from the clipboard, the second is to get from
             a file. When you select the source data, the
             mixer will set it in the background of the
             grid's contents. It looks like this:
             Where the mixer finds SPACE (32), it will set
             there the current character of the mixdata.
             So finally it will look like that you draw the
             mixdata first and then the original grid content.
             Very nice...

             ...I think it was the only more complicated part
          ·  of my program. If you don't know something, ask.
   ·∙ ─ ──┼────────────────────────────────────────────────┐
          │ ...final notes...                              │
          └────────────────────────────────────────────────┼── ─ ∙·
             Yes... I know that the tool I have made, is   ·
             the best ever seen. The code is highly
             optimized, and I will support the product.
             Not like elton, who obviously forgot that.

             However the program still contains bugs, and
             I don't know their kind. Bug reports are not
             welcome, but what can I do?! So if you have
             some, send them...
             If someone is interested to help me in the
             development of this app, contact me.

             everything to : hw.levil@gmail.com

             "...znam jedno je kad trezan si, drugo je kad
              se napijes, al to sto odavde si jebiga nemos'
              to da sakrijes. Zivimo gde zivimo, u sred
              zakovanog sranja, al u pitanju je BG, ajmo
              malo postovanja!"
                               Beogradski Sindikat - rulez