
pain (10/97) by Pain Staff [web]

█│ PAiN - da Swiss Lamer Intrigues Monthly - 10/97 - 4th year    │  ■  │ ███ │█
█│                                                                           │█
█│ Release Date: 19-Oct-1997             Release Time: 14:30                 │█
█│                                                                           │█
█│ We're absolutely proud to announce we didn't need to do any break with    │█
█│ our traditions, so don't worry and be happy as we're late again.          │█
█│                                                                           │█
█│ However, Chicken missed the small fact that not breaking with traditions  │█
█│ might bring an incredible amount of work with it, and so he saw himself   │█
█│ urged by a gang of outraged composers to port the whole PAiN to a some-   │█
█│ what more soundsystem-friendly dos-extender, and there we are: PAiN under │█
█│ pmode/w, equipped with Midas 0.6 soundsystem, capable of handling all     │█
█│ breathtaking tunes of our Composers... (feel motivated, ey?)              │█
█│                                                                           │█
█│ As cross-loading over different extenders proved to be not that easy, it  │█
█│ isn't currently possible to load the old issues of PAiN using the /FILE   │█
█│ directive as you were used to. However, the obviouSS SSecret key to SSave │█
█│ an unneceSSary article to diSSk iSS SStill implemented.                   │█
█│                                                                           │█
█│ Have fun, and don't forget to flood pain@space.ch with all news, votes,   │█
█│ polls, hints, articles, potatoes and title ansis !                        │█
█│                                                                         ┌╥┤█
███████████████████ Support the OLD swiss scene magazines !!!██████████████████