
PAiN #51 (07/02) by Pain Staff [web]

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 _________ //   ___    //__\ _____ \\ ((__________))\\     \//  //__________
 ||        \\  .\\____//// \\\\  /. \\//          \\ \\  \\ \\. \\        ||
 ||   PAiN  \\_____// » \\___\» /___//\\__________// //__//\_____\\ PAiN  ||
 ||          »issue»07/02»    \/    »  »          »  »   »        »       ||
 ||                                                                       ||
 || pain issue 07/02 is reality.  thanks for  reading it,  you won't have ||
 || to rue your download.  coming with an improved mag engine again (some ||
 || invisible  bugs and an improved 3d  engine for the outro)  this issue ||
 || will make you feel the pain once more.                                ||
 ||                                                                       ||
 || you can read the mag by using your keyboard or your mouse - just what ||
 || you like more.  use the ssssecret ssssuper key to ssssave and article ||
 || down to your harddisk (if you want to print it or whatever).          ||
 ||                                                                       ||
 || enjoy the mag, it will be the last issue until october or november so ||
 || it will  be a long summer  without pain.  the more you support us the ||
 || earlier we can release the next issue!                                ||
 ||                                                                       ||
 ||                   I CAN FEEL THE PAiN IN YOUR EYES.                   ||
 ||                    -- http://www.pain.scene.org --                    ||
 ||                                                                       ||
 || requirements: win32,  some fast cpu is recommended for the full pain. ||
 ||               this of course also works with a slow cpu too. what did ||
 ||               you  think,  kid?  it  should  even  work  with  system ||
 ||               emulators like wine [linux] or virtual pc [f.e. macos]. ||
 ||                                                                       ||
 ||  unlock - p.doom - seven - ghandy - visualice - reed - bridgeclaw     ||
 ||                           fred - toxic avenger                        ||
 ||                                                                       ||
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               thanks to zito and cru for the ruling asciis