
Velox by Bitbendaz

                                      . .
                                      | :           .
               _  ___  ___.__________/| |\__________:.__  _ _
                         /            | |            \
                  _  __ /_______.     | |     ._______\_ _
          -     -  --- -\-----\ |     | |     | /-----/-- --    -   -
                         \     \|     | |     |/     /
                         /     /|     | |     |\     \
                        /     / |     | |     | \     \
                        \     \ |     | |     | /     /
                         \     \|     | |     |/     /
                       \\ \_   ||     | |     ||   _/ //
    _    __  ___  ___ __ ___   ___  ___ : _           _   __     ____ ___ _
                 ||// || \_ | ||// ||_  . || ||\\    //  --//
                 ||\\ ||   || ||\\ || : \\|| || \\  //||  //
                 ||// |/   || ||//  \\. |\\| ||_// // ||  \\
    _     _  __ __//  :    |/  //     | .      //      :   \\___ __  _   _
                      .         .     : |     :        ;
                                 \    | :    /
                      .           \   . .   /
                                       . ja/e^d
                                    \     /

                               - V E L O X  -

                        First presented at GERP 2022


  Code:                 Stalvik
  Music:                Mygg
  Art:                  Java & Dyrgrip

  Runs on machines with fast CPU's and GPUs.
  If you are sensitive to light - watch with care.
  Tested on Windows 10 and Windows 11.
  Not tested on AMD/Radeon chipsets.

  Designed for 16:9 resolutions, the demo works in other aspect ratios 
  but can may look a little stretched. Use Windowed mode to force a
  working aspect ratio.
  If your computer uses NVIDA Control Panel, please ensure that your
  machine is using hardware accelleration by default, otherwise
  the demo will not work properly.

  The development for this demo started about two weeks before Gerp and 
  much of the code was coded live at Gerp. Phew!
  The demo could have been a bit more optimized, but the time was 
  against us.

       Greetings to fellow groups and friends (in no specific order):

               Insane, RiFT, SMFX, Ephidrena, DHS, New Beat,
         Nature, Focus Design, Desire, Struts,  sibCrew, Slipstream
             Uprough!, Pacific, Void, Team210, All at #Demool,
                     OB5VR, Candle and all we forgot!!

                       + - . V . E . L . O . X . - +