
Awesome Music #1 by 17 bit

naff off
cos this is a 17bit demo and as this was released at the Commodore show
quite a few thousand will have seen it and even more heard the music so
dont go changing the credits and the graphics and claiming it as YOUR
demo (like some apparant Pd companies tend to do these days) cos you
will only go and end up looking like a berk.

If youre gonna rip the music or nab it, just make sure you mention the
authors (cos they do it for a living and the more advertising the better)
even give us a mention, that would be nice. If you would like to get in
touch with me or the artists concerned write to the address in the demo

Please bung your demo stuff and music down to us (again at the address)
so we can distribute it in possibly the worlds singularly biggest PD
collection (well over 400 of our discs, not fish,faug etc although we
only like to include the best, of ocurse it would have been dead easy
to put everything in and have around 2,000 discs by now).

We are also a club/User Group and have 6,000+ members, have much press
coverage etc so if you wanna see your music and demos reach dizzy heights
of fame then send em down!!

We dont just sit on our backsides and distribute PD tho, we do our own of which
this is just one small example, compile all our own stuff (WE dont just nab
it from other PD libraries) and also attempt to get work for anyone who wants
it, which has been the case a few times already...

Look out for the 17Bit/UGA PD disc-magazine (on disc!) which should be 
published monthly from around June/July - your support appreciated!

We would like feedback on what you thought of this and other discs and what
you would like to see in the 17Bit PD library... so get writing!

I can also be contacted through Compunet (MBX Spadge) and through Prestel/
Micronet (MBX 011113303) if anyone wants to send latest demos over modem
they are very welcome.

Note: We are a club/user group and have NO interest in pirated software so
dont waste our time with it, please have respect for the people trying hard
to make a living and giving you much pleasure (well some pleasure in certain
cases i.e.ported games) - demo writers, why not show 'em what YOU can do...
Amiga-only product sells and you have a massive market so get it done!

Cheers, Martyn (AKA Spadge) 17Bit, May 28th 1989.