
Buenzli #1 Invitation by Fake That

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        │ THE FIRST & ONLY  ▐██▄      ▄██▌  SWISS PC ART PARTY │
        └──────────────────── ▀▀██████▀▀ ──────────────────────┘

          The BünZli #1 - First swiss PC Art party to be held!


   1. Opening words

  You finally want to meet Switzerlands  top lamer, most  stupid coder,
  fatest  courier, ugliest pixler  and deafest composer?  You wanted to
  meet them for a long, long time?!

  Take  the  chance!  Meet the Swiss  scene  members  at the  Bünzli #1
  party,  held on Sunday,  21st of April 1996, in the Pfadiheim Jegens-
  torf,  15km north of Berne.  Talk bullshit,  drink free coke, impress
  others with your most recent stuff! Present your modules and graphics
  to the public and win fabulous prizes!

  ══--» Join Switzerland's only PC party to be held,  the Bünzli! «-─══

   2. Localities

  The Bünzli #1 party will be held in the  Pfadiheim Jegenstorf.  There
  will be enough electrical power  and space to bring your own computer
  with you.

   2.1. Coming by train

  As organizers,  we are  fully aware  of the  responsibility  we  have
  towards  nature  (that's why  we consume  much nuclear  power for our
  computers ;) ),  and therefore of course we strongly recommend you to
  come by train to Bünzli #1.  The walk from the railway station to the
  Pfadiheim will not take more than  5 minutes. Have a look on MAP.GIF,
  where the most important facilities  (railway station and partyplace)
  are marked.  You may reach  Jegenstorf  via Solothurn,  where the RBS
  trains for Jegenstorf leave every 30 minutes or via Berne, where four
  trains leave per hour.  Check the departure times in your timetable -
  and don't forget to buy a ticket :) .
  For guys bringing  heavy baggage with them  (like computers or stereo
  systems), there will be a shuttle service from the railway station to
  the partyplace. In case you have such heavy baggage, please report it
  to the organizers BEFORE the party starts. Thanks!

   2.2. Coming by car

  Reasoned by the  "my home is my castle"  slogan,  you might prefer to
  come by car.  We promise  that there is enough space  in front of the
  Pfadiheim to park  all your cars  (if there are too many,  they could
  dislocate to other  parking sites  in the village.  No problem).  The
  easiest way to reach  Jegenstorf  is taking either the  N1 or the  Nx
  (forgot the number.  I mean the one from  Biel to Schönbühl)  and  to
  leave these motorways  at the exit in Schönbühl.  From there you head
  along the signs towards Jegenstorf. You too should maybe take a brief
  look on the Map to find the way through the village of Jegenstorf.

   3. Timetable

  Always  mention it too many times:  The party will be held on Sunday,
  21st of April 1996.

  -»  11.00    doors opening

  -»  14.00    DEADLINE of the music competition
               DEADLINE of the graphics competition

  -»  15.00    musics competition
               graphics competition

  -»  16.00    voting and prizegiving

  -»  19.30    doors shutting

  Besides  the competitions,  we  didn't  want  to  organize much  more
  program,  because the Bünzli #1 is  thought  for meeting  each other,
  not for a commercial fully organized party. Therefore, the success of
  this party strongly depends on you and on your presence.

   4. Important stuff

  As mentioned  in the  PAiN  article earlier,  there will  be a  small
  entrance fee.  It will be used for paying the Pfadiheim, for the free
  coke we plan to offer (as there is no bar/tea-room/restaurant nearby)
  and for the prizes. The entrance fee will cost 10.- CHF per person.

  The party is planned to be 100 percent DOOMLESS, so please don't
  bring netcards and computers with you with the only purpose to play
  doom on it!

   4.1. Competition rules

   4.1.1. Music competition rules

  -»  All formats are allowed

  -»  Your tune must be playable on either GUS, SB, AdLib or General
      Midi compatible devices

  -»  If your tune is not of a common format, you must bring your own
      player with you

  -»  There is a ten minute time limit

  -»  There is as well a 1MB size limit

   4.1.2. Graphics competition rules

  -»  All kinds of graphics are allowed (VGA / RIP / ANS etc)

  -»  Animations are NOT allowed

  -»  We recommend you to bring your own viewer with you as there might
      occur problems with our viewers

  -»  There is a 1MB size limit

   5. Further stuff

  If you have problems,  questions or just want to bring a present with
  you  (we'd greatly appreciate cakes, warez and fuel...),  then please
  contact one of the organizers:

  Chicken      The Lycaeum BBS           chicken@vmsmail.ezinfo.ethz.ch

  Furball      The Lycaeum BBS           furball@bluewater.ch
    Philipp Käser      Voice: +41-31-761-1207 (09.00 am until 22.00 pm)

   5.1. Some words about the invitation intro

  The organizers thank  - Fake That -  for coding an intro in less than
  a week. Listen to these words from its coder:
  We hope you excuse our lamish intro.  It was coded in an awful hurry.
  As Modplayer  we  used the  Sound System 3  by Frontman.  For the  SB
  player you need EMS (sorry). Credits for the intro:

                 Code ...................... Gumball
                 Module ................... Big Bear
                 Graphics ................... Voodoo
                 Soundsystem .............. Frontman

                                       BünZli #1 staff