
Preview by Da Cheez Brigade

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                         D A  C H E E Z  B R I G A D E

    This presentation is dullware: this means that you are allowed to distri-
bute it, as long as you do not gain pleasure in doing so.  Also, we cannot be
held responsible for the damages it may cause to your computer, central nervous
system or else.  Persons under the age of 18 can only use this product in the
presence of a consenting adult.

         To run this program, you need:
             - A 286/8 or better IBM compatible computer (Pentium rec.)
               with a math-coprocessor
             - Any version of DOS 5.0
             - A PC-Speaker (any type)

NOTE: all of our future productions will feature only PC-Speaker music, as it
is the only real sound standard existing on the PC.  Since our goal is to be-
come the most popular demo group ever, we simply cannot afford to limit our
audience to GUS or SB owners.  We hope that by doing so we will set a new
standard of quality and compatibility in the demoscene, and encourage all demo
groups to follow our lead.


                                                 V i p / Da Cheez Brigade