
pain (12/97) by Pain Staff [web]

█│ PAiN - da Swiss Lamer Intrigues Monthly - 12/97 - 4th year    │  ■  │ ███ │█
█│                                                                           │█
█│ Release Date: 08-Dec-1997             Release Time: 16:30                 │█
█│                                                                           │█
█│ This time not late, but somehow interrupted by a month of exams, army and │█
█│ general frustration. But as christmas comes close and Santa Claus did     │█
█│ like our last years work (did you know, there were never that many issues │█
█│ of PAiN as 1997 ?), we finally found the strength to put together this    │█
█│ pile of PAiN.                                                             │█
█│                                                                           │█
█│ Not only PAiN stuff got caught by a serious depression. But also our most │█
█│ seasoned contributors are missing in inactivity. So we're in urgent need  │█
█│ for more title ansis, news and swiss releases !                           │█
█│                                                                           │█
█│ A new engine means also new bugs, but up to know, only one had to be      │█
█│ fixed. The one who finds out what's fixed, will get a Easter Bunny !      │█
█│ However, the obviouSS SSecret key to SSave an unneceSSary article to the  │█
█│ diSSk iSS SStill implemented.                                             │█
█│                                                                           │█
█│ Have fun, and don't forget to flood pain@space.ch with ALL news, votes,   │█
█│ hints, articles, potatoes and TITLE ANSIS !                               │█
█│                                                                         ┌╥┤█
███████████████████ Support the ODD swiss scene magazines !!!██████████████████