
LED there be light! by Project Lighthouse

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[PROUDLY PRESENTS @ Revision Easterparty 2016 in Saarbrⁿcken, Germany]:
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"LED there be light!" by project lighthouse

At Kiel University, we setup a system of approx. 57.000 single LEDs in 392 windows (14 floors, 28 single windows per floor). Each single window carries its own, network-addressable LED-Bar (70 cm, carrying 144 LEDs each). We developed everything from scratch: Prototyping, Hardware (LED-Bars, Controllers etc.), Software (Server, Tool-Infrastructure etc.). And an API! We love LEDs.

We are playing Tetris, Breakout, Pong and Snake all night long since days! :-D

Although we are still not them - Greetings to the guys from #blinkenlights for creating the original idea and inspiring us. Our hearts (digital and analogue) are with you guys.

Reach us: lighthouse (-at-) uni-kiel.de

Exit the Premises Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License