Show 3D by Friends Software
Show 3D demo by ÒÄÄ· û Ö ºÄ· ·Ä· · ÖÄ· ·Ä· Öĺ ÖÄÄ ½ Ð Ð ÓÄÄ Ð Ó ÓÄÐ ÄĽ released one day later after Enlight`95 [ 2nd place at ENLiGHT'95 ] (386/VGA/SB/GUS)
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logo done by teadrinker :: send your logos to us and be a popstar !
Show 3D demo by ÒÄÄ· û Ö ºÄ· ·Ä· · ÖÄ· ·Ä· Öĺ ÖÄÄ ½ Ð Ð ÓÄÄ Ð Ó ÓÄÐ ÄĽ released one day later after Enlight`95 [ 2nd place at ENLiGHT'95 ] (386/VGA/SB/GUS)