
Eye on scene issue #01 by Admirables [web]

                             IMPORTANT !!!

- Dentro (In Auto Folder) works on ST/STE with half meg or more.
  Falcon/TT not quaranteed.
- Magazine part works with ST/STE/FALCON with 1 Meg or more.
  TT not quaranteed.
- All articles are packed with ICE Packer 2.4.
  Packed Size around 83000 bytes!
- Feel free to listen modules in this disk while reading articles!
  Magazine allows you to do it!!!
- All bug reports and complainings are welcome to address end of this
~ MOST IMPORTANT! If you don't send us NEW ARTICLES in the future we
  will not do an issue 2 ever. We expect at least 20 articles next time
  from you!!! THANK YOU!
  Tommi Koistinen
  Kotimaenkuja 2
  27230 LAPPI TL
  Tel. 938/8260376 (Inside finland)
- No illegal sendings please.