
X-Plotion by Imagina

							Drammen, 11/1-92


Dis is Original Gangster of Imagina again bringing ya' another great STE
demo produced by tha wikidwickwack Coincidence. This demo only worx on 
1meg STE's with colourmonitors. Okey, no space 4 further bollox. C Ya' 
on our next even better warez. Look also out 4 Imagina new menus...
Hip-pack #1 will B out in a couple of dayz. If U want 2 contact us 4
any reason (swap hot warez, demoz, CD...) contact da following boiyos:

Drizzt,							Original Gangster,
Skedsmogt. 50,			or			Althornet 14,
N-2000 Lillestr³m,					N-3033 Drammen,
Norway 							Norway

Reply guaranteed if U aren't a complete laaaaaameeeuur!! Sorry, no
greetings dis' time Bcoz of lack of space. Hi 2 all our contacts (U know
who U R) and tha rest of tha norwegian ST(E) szene!! 

Peace, and remember 2 write us 2 get all tha new warez. All who want our
demoz or our hip-packz (gamez,introz,sourcez, all U could ever want!!) 
write 2 tha adresses above and look in Ur mailbox 4 quick reply. Also 
tekno houze and hardcore hip hop freakz who wantz 2 swap all tha newest
muzaxz write 2 us. Please also any grafitti freax out there, write us!!

	  Rave this nation and critize tha community!!!