Traumatique by Trauma
Traumatique by Trauma - asm99 accelerated pc demo compo Kids. Seriously. Don't try this at home. Please. Legalese -------- This material is not freeware. You are allowed to copy it without restrictions for non-commercial use. No payment of any kind may be charged for this product or any combination of products or services including this product without our authorization and official written license. Commercial use, especially the industrial manufacturing on any data storage media and their distribution without the expressed permission of the producer, is strictly prohibited. This program or the data files contained therein may not be altered or modified without the permission of the author. You take full responsibility for the operation of this software and any consequences thereof. We the creators can not accept liability for damages or failures arising from the use of this software. Some image loading code is based in part on the work of the Independent JPEG Group. Uses ZLIB data compression library by Mark Adler and Jean-loup Gailly. Uses Apollo MP3 decoder by Heikki Ylinen. Traumatique the demo is copyright(c) 1999 by Jari Komppa, Kai-Eerik Komppa, Tero Kostermaa, Toni Lönnberg, Mikko Nurmi. Credits ------- Code: ----- Sol - Demo & DirectX stuff (direct3d/directaudio) Spector - vector engine core !Cube - procedural texture generator. Flap/Capacala - Apollo MP3 decoder Uses zlib. Uses jpeglib. Uses dx6.1 sdk. Audio: ------ Teque - composing, arranging, mixing, producing !Cube - composing, arranging Thanks to Peter Hajba (Skaven/FC) for providing additional Korg TR-Rack to Teque. Special thanks to MS-Musicshop for providing audioscope. Graphics, 3D-modelling, animation, textures: -------------------------------------------- Nitro Thanks to Peter Hajba (Skaven/FC), Aki Määttä (Marvel/FC) Sami Vanhatalo (Reward/Complex) for 3D-tutoring. Cooking at demofactory: ----------------------- Nitro Thanks to Sol for getting a food poisoning. Textures support: ----------------- Marvel/FC Thanks to Aki Määttä (Marvel/FC) for 3dfx Voodoo3 2000. Nitro rants ----------- This demo was pulled out of our arses practically in two weeks. Well, to be honest, some basic 3D-stuff was done before that, like textures were photographed earlier for materials and so on, but most of the job was done in these last two weeks before Assembly. Sadly it shows here and there in the demo. Could be better sync. Could have better balance. Could have used !Cubes texturegenerator. Could have made that fragging wall around that desertcity. Could could could. We just ran out of time. (<-Classic!) The thing that caused ALL the pain: Why the hell there is 6Mb limit for the demo file while only the memory is bigger (8Mb) on 3D-Board?! [sol: and where the heck did they find a 8mb 3d accelerator in 1999 anyways?] Anyway, atleast I'm satisfied for the outcome (with this kind of timeframe): Teque and !Cube made a great soundtrack. Hardware acceleration gives a chance to make better 3D. Modelling and keyframing is clearly better with this demo than the ones made earlier. Textures are also better. Progress is good. In general. Hell I'm tired of demos right now. But it's still great fun. In some weird pervert-o-vise. Oh Hand of Life. -Nitro Sol rants --------- Developed on piii/500 with voodoo2 and tnt, works on both cards, dunno about others. Rage128 is said to work. Matrox is said not to work. I'm really, really, really, really hoping that it works on asm compo machine. Nosound hits you if directaudio create fails (ie. you're playing that mp3 with winamp or forgot to install the soundcard). If more than one display adapter is found, offers choise between primary and a random secondary adapter. It's 6:30am and deadline is at 10pm today. Haven't slept (in general). Done this demo 2 weeks in a row, more or less, suffering from food poisoning on the side. Fun fun fun. And back to work on monday after asm. Spoilers: The 'mojo' in cyberspace around that dude is Rossler3d fractal, and the fractal that's eyeballing the worshippers is a standard Lorenz3d two lobe attractor fractal. The fire and smoke in the city takes about 2000 particles (and 4000 transparent polys). So it might be a bit slow. The textures in smoke/fire were rendered with !cube's texture generator, which can do much better job than demonstrated here, but due to space and time limitations the textures are prerendered and only 10 frames are used. Audio sync bugs. Dunno why. Might be directaudio's fault. Might not. Right now I have no plans on doing another demo. (First time in like five years or so). I do have demo-like projects in mind though. The best scenes in this demo (beach, end-pedestal, cyber) were naturally done first, and the rest dumped in in a horrible hurry. - Sol Contact ------- Web: !Cube: Assassin: Excel: Nitro: Sol:, Spector: Teque: Tonic: Tremor: Void: Snailmail: Trauma Jari Komppa Kyläkaskentie 1 A 2 01200 Vantaa Finland Europe Greets ------ Aggression CNCD Byterapers Pulse Orange Virtual Dreams Future Crew TPOLM Moppi Prods. Cubic team Seen tAAt Doomsday Demoscene Complex Five Coders Oxylon Mono Recreation Bandwagon C.O.M.A. coc Coral EMF Fascination Kolor Extacy Capacala ..and the rest. Too tired. Can't think. Pass me the coke.
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