Never Ending Legend of Fujitsu Micro (FM-7)
I tried to write a wireframe 3D graphics with 6809 assembly when I was 14 years old. I didnft know too much of programming concepts, and I never succeeded. I later was able to write my 3D kernel with 80386 assembly in high school, but doing so with 6809 was my unfinished business. Although it is primitive, I am very happy to be able to spin a cube and fly over a lattice using an actual FM-7, the exact FM-7 that I tried to do so 30 years ago. Music playback is tuned for the normal mode of FM-7. In slow mode, or on FM-77, the BGM wonft be played seamlessly. Instruction: Running the demo (.WAV) 1. Start FM-7 without Disk BASIC. 2. Connect audio-cassette cable IN to Audio Out of a PC. 3. Type on FM-7: RUN "" and Enter. 4. Play .WAV file on the PC. Volume on the PC must be raised to pretty high. Succeeded with a Dell desktop and 2008 MacBook Pro 15 inch. 5. Wait until the demo starts. Installing to a disk Boot into Disk BASIC, then: LOAD "CAS0:" (Start .WAV playbadk, and pause .WAV playback when you see "Ready") SAVE "FM7DEMO" LOADM "CAS0:DDAM" (Resume .WAV playback) SAVEM "DDAM",&H4000,&H5FFF,&H4000 Then, you can run it as: RUN "FM7DEMO" from the Disk BASIC. Terminating the program Press "Break" key any time. (Below are in Japanese) ¡©ç30NOA14ξÁ½lÍ6809AZuÅC[t[Ì3³OtBbNXɧíµÄ¢Üµ½Bµ©µAÍA ÜèÉàvO~OÌm¯ªÈA¬÷µÜ¹ñŵ½BßĬ÷µ½ÌÍAZÉüÁÄ©çA80386AZuðgÁÄŵ½Bµ©µA6809ÅÌ3³OtBbNXÍA¸ÁÆScè¾Á½±ÆÈÌÅA±Ì@ïÉñíÉPÈxÅ·ªA§ûÌðñµÄAiqÌãðòs·é±ÆªÅ«ÄA éÓ¡A30NzµÉÚWðB¬µ½æ¤ÈCªÅ·B ȨABGMÍFM-7Ìm[}[hÉí¹ÄĶµÄ¢éÌÅAFM-8[hâFM-77ÅÀs·éÆAX[YÉĶūȢÆv¢Ü·B [g¢û(.WAV)] 1. FM-7ðDisk³µ[hÅN®B 2. JZbgP[uÌüÍðAPCÌI[fBIoÍÉÚ±B 3. FM-7Å RUN "" 4. PCÅ.WAVt@CðĶB{ [ð\ã°È¢ÆFM-7ÍF¯µÈ¢ÍlB DellÌfXNgbvPCÆA2008 MacBook Pro 15C`Åͬ÷B ThinkPad X250Å͸sB 5. µÎçÒÂB fBXNÉCXg[·éÉÍAfBXN[hÅN®µÄA LOAD "CAS0:" (.WAVĶJnBReadyªo½ç.WAVt@CĶðêâ~B) SAVE "FM7DEMO" CLEAR,&H3FFF LOADM "CAS0:DDAM" (.WAVĶÄJ) SAVEM "DDAM",&H4000,&H5FFF,&H4000
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