Skatoula by Who Knows?
.oO SKATouLA Oo. BY Û Û Ü Û Ü Û ÜÜÜ ÜßßßÜ Û Û Û ÛÜÜ ÛßÛ ÛÜ Û ÛßÜ ÜßßÛ Û Û Û ßÜÜ Üß Û Û Û Û ÛÜÛ Û ßÜ Û Û ÛÜÜß ÛÛÛÛ ÜÜÜß Ü BLiND GFX : INSane. INSane. : HANDICaPP CODiNG DEAF MUSiC : aMUSiC A new group got a live... Its name? Who Knows? It was, actually, born without the use of sex in the party place of the GARDENING '96 Stage ][. A direct translation of the Greek word "SKATOULA" is "BIG SHIT!" so is the title of our contribution. It is something like 3-routines-runnig-together -all-the-time-until-you-get-booooored type of nightro. Everything was done in about 6 hours excluding breaks for coffee, piss, eat, farting, sampling and other nasty things. All the code was written on other groups' machines using PASM7.0. All the work took about 6 hours of work. It was quite fun. We were trying to make something small with many colors, shitie gfx and silly music. And here it is! I'd (INSane.) like to say a huge sorry to all the SB users (I'm one as well) 'coz it supports only GUS and nosound. (no time to find a player for both cards). GREEtINGS TO: dEUS, Demaniacs, MOD / (probably independent), LiKET / Goto10, The ppl of #hellas (GRNET) and #TheEnd, Jungle (efnet) and to all the ppl at the party place. Current members of 'WHO KNoWs' are. INSane. : CODING, BLiND GFX and some general music related stuff aMUSiC : MUSIC, MUSIC, MUSIC, MUSIC... and MUSIC! AMiGO : MUSIC erhm... MUSIC and some MUSIC as well GRYPAS : Brilliant GRAPHICs! CroSS : CODE What? you wanna contact us? what a shame! anyway... for now. send your e-mail (or whatever) to: INSane : aMUSiC : HARDWARE Requirements: - anything more than a 486 based machine. (it may need at a P75 if you want it to run in full frame rate. For some reason the palette setting takes too much time ;-))))) - some RAM (I think 229390 bytes are more than enough) - and a VGA 100% (register) compatible card connected to a monitor and probably plugged in some slot or something. - a GUS will play some sounds... if it's there... WARNING: This "BIG SHIT" Might be harmfull for your monitor... so use it at your own risk. Oh!... Consider this piece of software as commercial (not even share- ware) so you have to pay for it before you run it ;-) funk it!! just send a mail if you really like it. P.S.: NExT time it'll be larger!
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