
Escape Time by Taquart

Taquart presents
"Escape Time"

256-byte intro for Atari XL/XE
PAL/NTSC compatible

Calculating Mandelbrot fractal
using the "Escape Time" algorithm

First presented in December 2019
at the Silly Venture party

Programmed by
Piotr '0xF' Fusik <fox@scene.pl>

ESCTIME.XEX  = small version
ESCTIMEC.XEX = version compatible
               with non-standard OSes

Lamers, Agenda, Desire, LaResistance,
MEC, Mad Team, New Generation,
Mystic Bytes, Zelax, Slight,
Tristesse, Blowjobb, Our 5oft,
Bit Busters, DLT, Satantronic, Samar,
SSG, Sword Soft, JAC!, XXL, Kaz, TDC,
Duddie, PG, MaPa, Rumun, Jell, Zenon,
Nir Dery, Marok, Candle, Sikor,
Grzybson, Henryk, Yerzmyey.

Coming soon to pouet.net.
Video coming soon to YouTube.
Source code: