Katarzis by Vaahtera
katarzis released at Function 2020 made with Apex gfx and direction by metoikos / vaahtera music by gargaj tool code by boyc extra sfx code by musk metoikos says: I've thrown out two demos worth of content over four years trying to make this thing. It still has technical hangnails all over. I received advice from an experienced person to just set a deadline and finish it, so I did. This meant I asked for the exe too late to fix emergent things other than crashes. I was unsure about releasing, but I asked for advice as to whether I should release it and was told, yes. So I did. Special thanks to Chaos, Alkama, and Alia, who helped me find a new path, bite my lip, and finish this. In 2012, I made a mistake that has cast a shadow over my life ever since, and always will. It wasn't the only one, but it was the gravest one. I was so scared I tried to pretend it hadn't happened. I used up the patience offered me since with mistakes time and time again. I remember every mistake. I'm now much mentally healthier than I was back then. But learn from my gravest mistake. Don't in a moment of self-hate push away those who try to soothe your hurts. You will miss them forever. ------- Niemand erwartet mich auf meiner Reise Ich suche mein wahres Ich Niemand erwartet mich auf meiner Reise Es sei denn, du wagst den Schritt Und begleitest mich ein Stueck - Erwartungen
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