
J - Coalesce by Ctrl-Alt-Test [web]

       ______________   __      ___    _______    _________ ________
      / ___\_  _\ __ \ / /     | _ \  / /\_  _\   \_  / ___V ___/  _\
     / /__  / / | ,_ \/ /__ <> |  _ \/ /__/ /  <>  / / __/ \__ \/ /
     \____\/_/  |_| \_\___/    |_| \_\___/_/      /_/\____X____/_/


                               J - Coalesce

                          An invitation PC demo

                             Tokyo Demo Fest
                           11-12 December 2021

                              SIGGRAPH Asia
                           14-17 December 2021

    You are kindly invited  to participate and show your best works to
    the demoscene and computer graphics communities:

 _____      __              ___                       _____         2021
 \_  /___  / /_,-/\____    / _ \  ____,__ __ ____  __/ ___/___/\__  /\_
  / / __ \/   <\  / __ \  / /_\ \/ --_|  `  V __ \ \  _\/ --_/\__ \/ __\
 /_/\____/_/\_//_/\____/ /______/_____/_|_|_\____/ /_/  \____X____/_/


        _____ ______ _________  ___   ____ __  __
       / ___// / ___\ ___\ __ \| _ \ / __ \ /_/ / ___ /\_  __,__ 2021
       \__ \/ / /_,->/_,-| ,_ \|  _ \  ___/__  / / _ |\_ \/ / _ |
      /____/_/\____/____/|_| \_\_| \_\/ /_/ /_/  \___|___/_/\___|


    Tokyo Demo Fest 2021 will take place on  Saturday 11th  and Sunday
    12th  of December 2021,  as a co-located event with  SIGGRAPH Asia
    which will be from  Tuesday 14th to Friday 17th  of December 2021.

    Due to the uncertainty of the pandemic situation,  Tokyo Demo Fest
    2021  will be hosted online;  the details will be explained on the
    website. SIGGRAPH Asia 2021 will be a hybrid event, happening both
    online and on-site at the Tokyo International Forum.

                                 *  *  *

    Invitation presented at  Function 2021  in Budapest,  Hungary,  on
    September 11th, 2021.

    Made by Zavie, on a music by Kreisler,  with help from LLB for the
    party coding, using Tooll3 by Still [1].  The Tokyo Demo Fest 2021
    logo is a collaboration with Callisto/Syn[Rj].

    [1]: https://github.com/still-scene/t3

    Very special thanks are extended to "Two Minute Papers" Dr. Károly
    Zsolnai-Fehér, who kindly provided the blackboard diagram photo as
    well as the paper's LaTeX source.

    With love,