The nextempire sobering up thread
category: general [glöplog]
Yes, it was fun while it lasted. Now it is time to return to "reality". Make sure you have a slow transition and dont go cold turkey.
Fuck that shit! NE for life!!!!!
Not until next Monday
as you can see here, the next empire hype is slowly spreading through europe:
Wow, imagine what the world would be like if all that area north-east to the Roman Empire belonged to Germany...
Then I'd live in Germany and needed a passport to visit my gf.
Tomcat: So you're truly a pesta bacsi while your gf is living in the oven?
adok is it you or me who hav a typical view on imags?
Cute woman!
Cute man! Looks a bit grim, though. Is it you, Maali?
didnt they teach you history at mensa-school, adok? :P
No, I'm inventing history myself by means of my auxiliary function of introverted intuition.
And I'm making history by publishing Hugi Magazine!
Mein Hugi!
i'm scared.
adok: there's a huge difference between making history and making bollox.
Luckily I do not live within the realms of Next Empire on the map.
me neither actually.. we were too savage for the romans i guess -_-
I heard they did not like to have their legions ambushed and slaugtered..
I can join/invent any group I want!!!!
First learn to count, you're definately not an NE member