Which is the worse prod you have ever done?
category: general [glöplog]
Perhaps some demomakers would not like to think about their worse demo, but it would be fun!
This time I will not mention many and try to pick just one: raster64, my first X86 asm code ever (but released after my second one, kefrens256, for 0a000h 64b intro compo)
Don't bite me! :)
This time I will not mention many and try to pick just one: raster64, my first X86 asm code ever (but released after my second one, kefrens256, for 0a000h 64b intro compo)
Don't bite me! :)
... not killing you all when I would've been able to.
cant decide , so many of them (bad ones) just look at http://www.pouet.net/groups.php?which=158
aha haha, ever done, i thought you meant ever seen, damn :)
first issue of Dokinews. a "diskmag" on c16. featuring buggy rasterbars, unreadable font, no music (at least not ripped), and boring articles. (i think 9 of 'em :) )
this is the worst ever released stuff.
do unreleased ones count? then... huhh... ;)
this is the worst ever released stuff.
do unreleased ones count? then... huhh... ;)
but as i never made a bad prod i cant answer on this thread ;/
is this bad?
<a href="http://www.pouet.net/prod.php?which=4598">http://www.pouet.net/prod.php?which=4598</a>
<a href="http://www.pouet.net/prod.php?which=4598">http://www.pouet.net/prod.php?which=4598</a>
probably the Rage demo for tmdc somewayback.. luckily it's not on pouet nor anywhere else :)
those I have happily forgotten
hummm, my worst is probably my first amiga demo (id=4676)
autocritics rulez.
autocritics rulez.
Humm.. probably Woorlic's first demo, Ihmegubbe has been the worst one where I've participated.. that'd be a worst demo then (luckily it's not even on pouet, hi whizzter ;)). On personal productions.. meaning graphics.. maybe the Elevator'00 picture has been my worst.. tho' it was also my very first compopic ever.. or then the Asm'02 c64 pic, which wasn't really on the same level of excellence as the other oldskool gfx productions..
Natriumlampen, where my contribution was a "sound system" that killed my harddisk 8 times, and a VESA stub that worked *only* on the compo PC (not even on my own).
all my prods :D
"backspace" by far. I am glad it has dissapeared from the surface of the earth.
i'd have to say "zap!" by mad (microchips after dark), my first demo and my first group. done in late 1993 in pascal, without any sync or anything like that. a simple modplayer (that played the module wrong, of course) and a couple of LBM-images plus a glorious rotating cube that we actually got to be flat light-shaded with a 32c palette at TG94 where it was released. boy did that suck.. but MAN how much fun! :)
the few intros made with The Humble Guys intromaker way back in the early 90's, which I fortunately released under a different handle and group =)
my sweet veronica, dead cells, and many other are horrible also, but none can outrun or equal the quality of funkkin.
Jumalauta }Saulin Penis}~~~ Squirt
lamer! you didnt make saulin penis. it was made by
saksan perussanasto of jumalauta and its good
saksan perussanasto of jumalauta and its good
fr014: garbage collection, as the name suggests... i'm still ashamed when i notice the cup we got for winning the compo standing in my living room ;)
Solids of revolution... but i havnt watched it for ages... becuase it doesnt work under winNT
lazy coders........BRING ME A PATCH!!!!!
(you 95/98 users must download it now!)
lazy coders........BRING ME A PATCH!!!!!
(you 95/98 users must download it now!)
my c64 intros which I did for Excess (and also partly for WOW) back 'in the days'.