
DirectX 11 and the PC demoscene

category: general [glöplog]
I absolutely loathe Vista with every fiber of my being, but does the coming DX11 mean that I'll be forced to upgrade from XP in order to keep watching demos?
added on the 2008-07-28 14:51:42 by gloom gloom
i thought directx 10 already had that
added on the 2008-07-28 14:52:29 by Gargaj Gargaj
Yeah, but since demomakers haven't really embraced DX10, there is no need for Vista in that sense. The question is: will DX11 have so many new features that demomakers actually want to use that a migration issue is relevant?
added on the 2008-07-28 14:54:18 by gloom gloom
Gloom : my guess is that you still have at least a whole year before you have to worry about that (till this whole Vista / DX10 / DX10.1 / DX11 mess is sorted out).
added on the 2008-07-28 14:55:09 by keops keops
keops: we'll all be using Linux by then anyway!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1111111111111111111111111
Parapete: Make that "OSX", and yes, I sure hope so :)
added on the 2008-07-28 15:01:55 by gloom gloom
It'll be on windows 7 (whatever they call that) then anyway. Hopefully microsoft will be a bit more on the ball for that one, and make something that doesn't require a huge hardware upgrade while offering not much benefit and too much shiny paint :)

Meanwhile, back to opengl on osx. Pete, you took a wrong turn back there :)
added on the 2008-07-28 15:06:29 by psonice psonice
psonice, well maybe you can make me a slideshow on your Mac to show me what I'm doing wrong :P

Either is fine by me anyway, anything but Vista.
There are always videos.
added on the 2008-07-28 15:18:16 by Preacher Preacher
Not the same.
added on the 2008-07-28 15:29:37 by gloom gloom
You expect Windows 7 to be less bloated, less shiny, and less plagued by DRM than Vista?
added on the 2008-07-28 15:37:09 by doomdoom doomdoom
So what's wrong with Vista (except the stupid stuff with no facts that Command Cyborg said)?. I've been using it since day one and I like it tons... much more than XP :-)

Yeah, it's no "original longhorn plan" but that doesn't make it necessarily bad, at all.
added on the 2008-07-28 15:47:11 by Jcl Jcl
Google it.
added on the 2008-07-28 15:48:43 by gloom gloom
I agree with JCL somewhat actually, vista is criticised way more than it deserves. There's some very good stuff in there. That said, I wouldn't install it for the simple reason that it doesn't offer enough to counter the 'real' disadvantages: it's slower, takes way more resources, and involves relearning a lot things (often for no benefit).
added on the 2008-07-28 15:50:40 by psonice psonice
Oh, and MS already said they'll cut the bloat for windows 7, so there's hope for the rest too :D
added on the 2008-07-28 15:51:12 by psonice psonice
Pete: couldn't get the slideshow done, I got complaints about the omelette compo photos (well, they are rather NSFW). A quick video instead? http://www.vimeo.com/1422252
added on the 2008-07-28 16:03:29 by psonice psonice
Oh the worries.....
added on the 2008-07-28 16:21:12 by Zplex Zplex
psonice, Quartz Composer is not the answer to anyones' problems :P
jcl: As psionice points out, you get to pay more money for doing the same things you've always done, but in a way you're not used to, and it'll be a lot slower.

In what way is it supposed to be better than Windows XP, apart from the shiny OSX-wannabe interface?
added on the 2008-07-28 16:25:58 by doomdoom doomdoom
pete: it's the answer to a load of mine (and the cause of a lot more, but nothing's perfect ;) - it means I can skip coding the boring stuff and get on with writing an engine and a load of effects :)

Actually, it's nothing more than the age old 'hand coding or making a tool' question, but with that the tool is (mostly) already there, you just have to write a ton of plugins to get it doing useful stuff (or get it doing the basics a lot faster, if you're unlucky enough to need the few slow bits)
added on the 2008-07-28 16:28:10 by psonice psonice
as most upcoming games will be mostly DX9 because of cross-platform purpose with consoles, some democoders may want to exploit that gap with DX11 to make the demoscene ahead of games again ;)
added on the 2008-07-28 17:03:04 by Zest Zest
im with jcl on this, most Vista loathing is just based on zealot crap you read on loonix/OSuX/-fanboards. As if those OSes are so damn perfect ;)
added on the 2008-07-28 17:11:41 by el mal el mal
maali: i disagree with that.

Most of the guys here in the office (that being a medium sized IT department) are microsoft qualified, use windows as a main OS, and don't use linux or osx much, and nobody here likes vista. That's based purely on evaluating it, and in some cases using it for a while. Some people had serious problems with it, some people found it too slow, nobody found a real reason to upgrade. I think the people who had machines with it installed have all gone back to xp, although I may be wrong.
added on the 2008-07-28 17:17:41 by psonice psonice
DarthMaal: I disagree that it's "zealot crap". How can anyone justify the massive system requirements?
