Tell me about swappers
category: general [glöplog]
dipswitch: hey! i also found stickers, party flyers/stuff, paper mags etc. from early/mid 90s. gonna look through all the stuff next year and maybe have to communicate with the respective creators about publishing conditions. is an amazing site worth supporting :)
havoc: i even had a better "trick", but i can't tell it here. i don't wanna risk some peoples careers ;) is an amazing site worth supporting :)
havoc: i even had a better "trick", but i can't tell it here. i don't wanna risk some peoples careers ;)
Used Parnet cable and software on amiga to copy stuff locally fast :)
Some interviews with early scene impressions: Honey/1001 crew, Mr.Z/Triad, Bacchus/Fairlight and Ixion/Triad

Some random old (non-demoscene) swapping memories, from the early amiga days. I was a lame teen warez swapper :D Never had any contacts in any actual groups, rarely had the latest stuff, had the incredibly lame name "colonel cool"...
First thing, it was common to advertise for contacts in the back of the computer magazines at one point. You'd put something like "Swapping contacts wanted. Please send list" and your address, and then get some letters with people's lists of warez, send your own back with some requests, then swap if you had stuff to trade. There were rumours later of police raids / fake adverts from the police / etc. and this stopped.
In later years it seemed a kind of social floppy network formed, nobody seemed to swap by post or bbs, but a friend would get new stuff from another friend, and you'd copy and pass it on. I'm guessing piracy was just so bad at that point that it was hurting amiga devs in a pretty bad way.
Second thing, a guy who was some kind of step-dad to a friend of mine back then. He was some kind of major warez / demoscene swapper.
He always had the latest stuff, and he had *massive* amounts of disks. Big stacks of those really big disk boxes, and he used to buy big bags of 'reject' floppies from some guy who lived near a disk copying company. They were all commercial amiga games, most of the disks worked fine but the label was scratched or something, but the company just dumped them and this guy raided the trash :D But my friend's step dad used them as blanks.
Now, I'm guessing he was a serious swapper, since he got the latest stuff very fast, and took this really serious. I vaguely remember he had contacts at quartex. But I don't know why he did it. He never played any games or watched any demos, he just copied them all and filed them. Money perhaps?
He was a strange guy too. He worked at night (no clue what he did), was the rudest cunt ever on the phone (typical call: "Is my friend there?" "No." *he hangs up* *I call back* "Tell him to call me." "OK." *he hangs up again*) and spend most of the day watching football and drinking brown ale.
Weirdest thing about that guy though: He used a mouse backwards. Like, buttons at the bottom, so the directions are all reversed. He couldn't use it the normal way round! Wtf.
Last thing: there were tons of local small-scale copy parties. We used to go to this regular 'computer club' upstairs in a pub, in crewe i think. ~20 people would turn up, mostly with an amiga and a tv, a few had a PC. Everyone would go round and copy the latest games + demos, then people would play some games and watch the new demos, then go home a few hours later.
First thing, it was common to advertise for contacts in the back of the computer magazines at one point. You'd put something like "Swapping contacts wanted. Please send list" and your address, and then get some letters with people's lists of warez, send your own back with some requests, then swap if you had stuff to trade. There were rumours later of police raids / fake adverts from the police / etc. and this stopped.
In later years it seemed a kind of social floppy network formed, nobody seemed to swap by post or bbs, but a friend would get new stuff from another friend, and you'd copy and pass it on. I'm guessing piracy was just so bad at that point that it was hurting amiga devs in a pretty bad way.
Second thing, a guy who was some kind of step-dad to a friend of mine back then. He was some kind of major warez / demoscene swapper.
He always had the latest stuff, and he had *massive* amounts of disks. Big stacks of those really big disk boxes, and he used to buy big bags of 'reject' floppies from some guy who lived near a disk copying company. They were all commercial amiga games, most of the disks worked fine but the label was scratched or something, but the company just dumped them and this guy raided the trash :D But my friend's step dad used them as blanks.
Now, I'm guessing he was a serious swapper, since he got the latest stuff very fast, and took this really serious. I vaguely remember he had contacts at quartex. But I don't know why he did it. He never played any games or watched any demos, he just copied them all and filed them. Money perhaps?
He was a strange guy too. He worked at night (no clue what he did), was the rudest cunt ever on the phone (typical call: "Is my friend there?" "No." *he hangs up* *I call back* "Tell him to call me." "OK." *he hangs up again*) and spend most of the day watching football and drinking brown ale.
Weirdest thing about that guy though: He used a mouse backwards. Like, buttons at the bottom, so the directions are all reversed. He couldn't use it the normal way round! Wtf.
Last thing: there were tons of local small-scale copy parties. We used to go to this regular 'computer club' upstairs in a pub, in crewe i think. ~20 people would turn up, mostly with an amiga and a tv, a few had a PC. Everyone would go round and copy the latest games + demos, then people would play some games and watch the new demos, then go home a few hours later.
The Jimi Hendrix mouse thing is pretty cool in a weird way, still wtf, but somehow interesting.
So how hard was it to buy some cracks back in the 80s/90s? In Holland it was pretty easy, you just bought a national newspaper and got quite a few advertisements offering disks for sale or swap, especially "De Telegraaf" which usually featured a pretty big computer advertisement section on Saturdays.
Notice how people just used their private phone numbers or addresses, at the time prosecution for piracy was still a rarity in the country.
All clippings are from various newspapers found on's nespaper section, dates are between 1984 and 1993.

Notice how people just used their private phone numbers or addresses, at the time prosecution for piracy was still a rarity in the country.
All clippings are from various newspapers found on's nespaper section, dates are between 1984 and 1993.

Sorry, the date range should be: 1986-1993
You could walk into any decently sized department store and there would be kids swapping demos and stuff that came with 64er magazine and so on, bragging about games they read about but didn't yet have. I guess every high school had a serious swapper somewhere at some point in Holland. What always struck me was that I would meet the 'internationally active' dutch c64 and later Amiga people through music and graffiti quicker than in the hobby club meeting crowd, a lot of creative people just bought a homecomputer, even then
Okkie, you cunt-fucking son of a Dutch mother! When posting NSFW warnings, you should provide NSFW content. I had expected scenes from a cum swapping party with 18 y.o. teenage girls, not random crap that has found its way to main stream movies… a decade ago!
[…] making her crap. Well, she does and the 4 girls begin to […] pass it back and forth between them.Yep, it’s a dirty sh*t fest.
Don’t tell me, you’ve forgotten about Me and You and Everyone We Know! It’s not only about ))<>(( forever, it even contains the creation of ASCII art in a coop.
Oh yeah, and blowjobs. There are blowjobs.
Next time provide quality stuff or GTFO! Fuckings to lamers!
Tanja Nolte-Berndel comes to mind..