
Congratulations America/Canada

category: general [glöplog]
bush = inquisition
added on the 2004-11-04 17:41:29 by violator violator
I've just noticed, this is bbs topic 1492. America? 1492? Fits very well. :)
When I read the postings here, I get the impression that most people are debating about peanuts and are failing to see the big thing, the strategy of the Bush administration. From a strategical point of view, Bush's foreign policy must be given excellent marks.

It's not about waging a war against Muslim nations. The reason why Iraq was invaded was that Saddam Hussein wanted to exclude Americans from property rights to Iraqi oil. On the contrary, he wanted to give property rights to the Chinese and he wanted to establish a military alliance with China, including the stationing of Chinese troops in Iraq. That would have been a great threat to Europe and Russia. At the same time it would have also been a threat for the Islamic world in the Middle East.

If you consider the enormously fast economic development of China and the increasing hunger for raw material (oil, coal, coke, iron,...), then you will realize that the true threat is China.

Some more evidence for that:

Africa: The Chinese have blocked UNO sactions against Sudan for Sudan's genocide on Black people in southern and western Sudan because the Chinese have a great economic interest in Sudan.

South America: That's the most recent development: The Chinese want to invest a lot of money (about $ 20 billion) in Argentina, to exploit resources such as oil, to build up the infrastructure, telecommunication and even satellite telephony! They also plan to invest in Brazil and Chile.

The fact that the Chinese are planning to help Argentina build satellite telephony shows that the Chinese are interested in creating communication between South America and China. They're also planning to build 300 ,000 flats - for "Chinese experts", of course.

Bush was right to engage in Iraq. In this way he prevented the Chinese from making off with the oil sources in the Middle East.

In addition, he prevented the Chinese from stationing their military troops in Iraq, which would have been a threat to Europe and Russia.

The strategy of Bush's foreign policy actually revolves around China, not around the Iraq or the Islam etc.

What about Europe? In Europe, we have politicians such as Jacques Chirac who would like to wage war against the USA. This political dilettante is dreaming of France being world power and the opposite pole to the USA. He has lost his sense for reality (if he has ever had it).

But Americans, fear not: Jacques Chirac has no right to order anybody about in Europe. He rather ought to look after his country which, according to official statistics of the European Union, is the most xenophobic and antisemitic country in Europe.

When he recently visited Tony Blair on the occasion of the 100-year-anniversary of the Entente cordiale, he dared to attack Blair because of his support for the US Iraq policy. Dear Jacques, you're making a fool of yourself with your craving for status. Don't fool around with the USA or you will risk becoming a prisoner of Guantanamo yourself.
added on the 2004-11-21 12:07:39 by Adok Adok
> Dear Jacques, you're making a fool of yourself with your
> craving for status. Don't fool around with the USA or you
> will risk becoming a prisoner of Guantanamo yourself.

What did you say about losing a sense of reality again?
added on the 2004-11-21 12:19:56 by Preacher Preacher
this isn't even funny anymore.
added on the 2004-11-21 12:59:48 by Gargaj Gargaj
Adok: Either you have a really strange sence of sarcasm or you've lost the view at reality.
added on the 2004-11-21 14:51:32 by xeNusion xeNusion
adok :

I bet you read www.fuckfrance.com and laugh with similarly minded people about the rest of us..
added on the 2004-11-21 14:54:32 by Navis Navis
pfffffffffffffff not as funny as i thought at first : /
added on the 2004-11-21 15:10:14 by nula nula
Navis: I didn't know that website.
added on the 2004-11-21 16:29:25 by Adok Adok
perhaps not Adok but I'll guess you know of www.fox.com.
added on the 2004-11-21 16:42:41 by ekoli ekoli
adok, what you write is not funny!
Adok's analysis is fair enough. What he fails to see is that China (and other Asian powers) are actually going to be our allies against USA.

It's all a question about numbers, really. The lower stations in USA are populating like rats (and eating a lot of junkfood). US is soon going to be more populated that EU (and satelite european countries) and eventually be much more powerful, economically and politically. Asia+Europe will be the counterweight.

The most important issues for the future are the shift towards sustainable consumption (basically: environmental issues) and getting rid of christian conservatives (basically: have peace). Working towards this is plain impossible unless USA can be diplomatically challanged and forced into line.
dominei, you neglect to notice that the more competitive asian countries (like china) don't tend to bother about sustainability a lot.
added on the 2004-11-21 20:00:44 by skrebbel skrebbel
Dominei: Do you are afraid of the USA? I don't think that any country of the EU (or western of its eastern borders) have to have fear. There are so many "evil" countries before, GWB won't have the time in his 4 years of terror and destruction for Europe. And after that I hope there are enough people who don't be afraid of "we could be under terror tomorrow again" speeches. And I hope there will be enough people asking themself why the state wants more and more data of their own (looks like the Stasi of the GDR was a joke against that what is/will happen in the USA).
oh they will. they just need to establish themselves preperly first.
dominei, you're paranoid :)
added on the 2004-11-21 21:13:20 by skrebbel skrebbel
I'm afraid of conservative christians. They have a silly moral codex when it comes to boy-meets-girl. and they wage war on everything. with reference to god. muslims are really nice and peaceful in comparison. they just do some kidnapping and decapitating or bomb a buss.
yeah yeah lets see if Bush really did win this time (as if he did the last).

Adok, you need to stop listening to americans man, look at what you write.

"Bush was right to engage in Iraq. In this way he prevented the Chinese from making off with the oil sources in the Middle East."

When the fuck did the IRAQI oil become US's? They have NO right to the oil, and saddam as the leader of the country, could give it to whomever he please.
I dont go into your house and nick your goods, to "prevent" you from giving it to whom you like.

"South America: That's the most recent development: The Chinese want to invest a lot of money (about $ 20 billion) in Argentina, to exploit resources such as oil, to build up the infrastructure, telecommunication and even satellite telephony! They also plan to invest in Brazil and Chile."

OMG, how dare they? To do the same things US is doing... no wait. China hasnt really been into helping out terrorists on the same scale as US. Because "terrorist" were all good, back when US needed them. The only bargain for the help was...stay out of mecca. The americans obviously didnt, and now they reap their reward.

No doubt it is a good thing that saddam is no more. But who needs him anyway, US is doing a much better job at the whole genocide on the iraqi people thing.

The middle east will NOT rest untill the west withdraw support to israel, OR force israel to respect UN sanctions. Untill US start to trade oil with the middle east, instaed of taking it, or strongarming people to deliver it at the prices US wants to pay, rather than what it is worth.

Us support several dictatorships and madmen to get what they want, at the expense of the popualtions. So this whole, saddam is an evil man blahblah doesnt hold water.

They support saudi arabia. A kingdom , with a royal family, that are even more brutal than saddam. But becauyse they are US's good freinds, the press shuts up about it. Egypt, israel etc.. And what is Israel btw? A state put in someone elses country, and now the fucking jews are doing the excact same thing hitler did to them, with the support of US.

ADOK...if you for one minute belive that what US is waging is a good thing for world peace...you are a fucking idiot!
added on the 2004-11-22 09:38:49 by NoahR NoahR
An let me remind you...desperate people do desperate things. And the middle east is becomming desperate, due to the sheer pressure from the US.
This altso waves throughout the rest of the world, where muslims are located due to the fact that they cant stay in their country's as long as US is involved.

Heres a story i know to be true, i got it from someone who was there.

The mujahideen under leadership of osama bin ladin, went to iraq to liberate the people before the first gulf war, and all they asked was for the US to stay out of it. They fought fiercely and pressed saddam back, suddenly he got weapons from US, because they didnt want the mujahideen to stand out as "heroes" and they had interrests in Iran at the same time. Brilliant, to fly's with one smack. The mujahideen was slaughtered, and the rest of the story is well known. But the fact remains that the US administration is rattlesnakes, and pure poison in the well of the world. This is how they do "bussiness", so what ever US get's is well deserved.

Let's look at the date 9/11, what day should it mark? the 3000 people from wtc? or the 25000 slaughtered in Chile with help from the US. Who inserted a dictator, and by that prevented democracy because they could gain more from a dictatorship.

Sorry i get off track, but Adok's views is completely out of line with reality.
added on the 2004-11-22 09:49:48 by NoahR NoahR
Adok's views is completely out of line with reality

if i got a penny for every time that happens...
added on the 2004-11-22 10:08:56 by reed reed
I somewhat agree. But you need a little reality check too, iblis. No way I'm ever going to defend Sharon's politics, but you need to be aware of two things:

1) Jews aren't oppressing Palestinians. Israel is. Most jews don't live in Israel, and most European jews are highly critical to the current governement there. Many people who live in Israel are not jewish.

2) Israel is not commiting genocide on palestinians by gassing them in concentration camps. Or any genocide at all, really.

Next to this, the classic "middle east conflict" is worsened by the fact that the palestinians are mostly abused by both Israel and neighbouring Arab countries, both parties regarding them as a "buffer" between themselves. Arab states refuse to help them because they are better off if the palestinians are waging war on israel, something they dare not do themselves.

All in all, a miserable conflict, much held alive by the same forces that rule USA: Religious conservatives (for some reason refered to as 'radicals' these days)
"1) Jews aren't oppressing Palestinians. Israel is. Most jews don't live in Israel, and most European jews are highly critical to the current governement there. Many people who live in Israel are not jewish."

quite wrong mate, there is a strong zionist lobby in israel, and they have openly said to sharon that if as much as a wooden stick is removed from the west b ank, Sharon will have a civil war on his hands. These guys has been undermining the mosque for years, claiming that there are minerals under it (wich there isnt) all while they wait for the arival of a red cow, with no white hairs at all. Then they need to burn this cow, and pour its ashes over themself to purify them. Only then can they enter the mountain, and then they will knock over the cliff mosque. Ive seen the buiolding material for their temple myself, it isnt knocked over yet, but they have allready started to get materials for when it does. I know it sounds like joke, and i honestly wish that it were. but it isnt.

As for the rest, i whole heartedly agree. The palenstinians are being fucked over by everybody. And the mujahideen refused to help as long as arafat was leader, because it wouldnt be a jihad, but struggle and a political agenda for land wich is illegal in islam. Muslims may defend themself and their land, but they may not fight for politics other than that of the Quraan and hadeeth. *sigh* the whole situation is fucked, everybody has gone mental, and about what? a resource that is very limited. We would be better off spending the same amount of energy on "alternative" fuels and energy. But ofcourse we dont, because someone important would loose money, and we all know that money is more important than anything else, including life, and the right to your own belongings...

added on the 2004-11-22 10:27:18 by NoahR NoahR
sionist lobby = religious conservatives.

And Israel is Israel, not Jewael. Just accept the fact and get on with your otherwise good thinking :D

LoL and thanks :D
added on the 2004-11-22 13:14:37 by NoahR NoahR
