No More Demoparty in France ? No !
category: general [glöplog]
I really don't know. Depends on an insane amount of things...
MAIN 3!! (!!!)
cybernostra: we'll be there =]
(this slach thing sounds nice too, would be nice to see bordeaux again)
cybernostra: we'll be there =]
(this slach thing sounds nice too, would be nice to see bordeaux again)
Come to Rewired, organized in your former colony of belgium.
Official : MAIN#3 from october 15 to 19, Marseille, same place, Espace Julien Theater
Cybernostra, it's great to hear! If MAIN can get itself officially announced that early, then we can do some good promotion work in advance and tell people to reserve tickets etc..
It's really important.
It's really important.
"come to ltp3" comes to mind
niels, ahh those were the days. ?? Saturne 6 ?????

hehe and what about STATE OF THE ART 3 : RISE OF THE MACHINES ??
Isn't it the moment to make a real BIG party with VIP5/saturne/slash orgas...
we would call it: THE LAST ONE then go back to real life.
we would call it: THE LAST ONE then go back to real life.
kaneel : ORDER OF THE SOLAR TEMPLE would sound even better.
@cybernostra ...
Didnt you recieve my mail ... ?
And if you need promotional and gfx help i might be here :)
Didnt you recieve my mail ... ?
And if you need promotional and gfx help i might be here :)
No we'll not make a events with the other organisations, because it will be the big "bordel" (means mess)...
No it's a real big new event made from our experience of organization and some funds from the aquitaine region :), we'll don't make the "last" french party, it's a nonsense ... we'll try to create another aspect of a demoparty : great, fun, but with a contact to the real world... Making the same event again, again, again and again, its a progressive death... we must evolve to survive i think. And in france it's really hard to make demoparty, there is no enough support, but there is for expositions .
so i take funds for an exposition (game society and some other creative socity which work around computer expositions), i put a demoparty inside, some mad orgas, trois or four good concert, a job and a conference center, good food, and i shake i shake i shake :) let's see what it will become :) --- Pinnacolada inside spirit ---
And i prefer invite some interesting pro for financing the events, than gamers/lamers... we've already tried this, and it don't create more demomakers...
The place will be : "L'espace du lac" near the "parc des expositions" of bordeaux .
Really an easy place to access from plan (bordeaux airport, direct bus), car (10 000 place for car park), train (tramway and direct bus go to it).
12 big hotel around
A lac , for throwing kaneel in ...
And some other good things...
We're needing two things : Your support, Your presence ...
Last thing :
The beer/wine/camenbert budget has been planned...
No it's a real big new event made from our experience of organization and some funds from the aquitaine region :), we'll don't make the "last" french party, it's a nonsense ... we'll try to create another aspect of a demoparty : great, fun, but with a contact to the real world... Making the same event again, again, again and again, its a progressive death... we must evolve to survive i think. And in france it's really hard to make demoparty, there is no enough support, but there is for expositions .
so i take funds for an exposition (game society and some other creative socity which work around computer expositions), i put a demoparty inside, some mad orgas, trois or four good concert, a job and a conference center, good food, and i shake i shake i shake :) let's see what it will become :) --- Pinnacolada inside spirit ---
And i prefer invite some interesting pro for financing the events, than gamers/lamers... we've already tried this, and it don't create more demomakers...
The place will be : "L'espace du lac" near the "parc des expositions" of bordeaux .
Really an easy place to access from plan (bordeaux airport, direct bus), car (10 000 place for car park), train (tramway and direct bus go to it).
12 big hotel around
A lac , for throwing kaneel in ...
And some other good things...
We're needing two things : Your support, Your presence ...
Last thing :
The beer/wine/camenbert budget has been planned...
wow needing some coffee, i've read myself... must stay in by bed a little bit ...
so... Juppé or not Juppé ??
The beer/wine/camenbert budget has been planned...
I see you're doing this thing right.
count us in !
about juppé, could be a problem for financial issue ... the money could be reduced ...
so it's a real problem for us this election...
so it's a real problem for us this election...
excuse me but what's a juppé?
earx: former french PM.
earx: something like that :

yep the actual mayor... he can be replace next month, and its quite a problem, because we don't know if we'll still have the place after the elections...
rahhhh ...
I don't like politics ....
rahhhh ...
I don't like politics ....