Little Big Planet worldwide recall
category: general [glöplog]
Unseen is the typical 16 year old, 4chan, edgy internet youth. Archetypal, even :)
zest, first i want to say that i want to put big baseball bat into your rectum and see you bleed to dead. but then, i actually i don't. just read what i have written and think if i'm right or even on the right tracks ? maybe it's true that i'm generalizing too much but seriously, freedom of the speech allows us to speak or do whatever but not to hurt anyone. even if you are nazi or like to eat feces and like cracktros you are allowed to speak equally...
did i ever say the contrary ?
i'm just telling you that you aren't an Islam expert but you probably already know it...
i'm just telling you that you aren't an Islam expert but you probably already know it...
no i'm not islam expert. but there are just aspects in the religion which makes me disgust like in every religion but mostly in islam. at least jesus wasn't clanmen/terrorist killing people and marrying 6-year old girls and preaching holy war against all the infidels especially jews/christians :P
Maybe you should actually read the Qu'Ran one day. You'll be surprised.
juma-la 'uta
okkie: like i'd be fucking more scared of terrorists ?
most muslims just want to live a happy life you know, like most of us, ok islam hasn't made its democratical/modern revolution yet like other religions, but minority fundamentalist muslims wouldn't be such a big problem if there weren't all those political/social/economic issues in their countries : geopolitics are the big issue, there weren't so many djihadists if so many muslim countries weren't occupied, with stable legitimate governments (like in gaza, chechnya, iraq, afghanistan, or the issue of US military bases in saudi arabia...).
as a simple comparison, i can't say that all Finns are rude ignorants just because there is one on this forum.
as a simple comparison, i can't say that all Finns are rude ignorants just because there is one on this forum.
okkie, ok, let's try.
So, I haven't even properly BEGUN reading, and already I've learned that there are people who "have deserved wrath".
Yes, happy life indeed.
1- The Key (Al-Fatiha)
[1:1] In the name of GOD, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.
[1:2] Praise be to GOD, Lord of the universe.
[1:3] Most Gracious, Most Merciful.
[1:4] Master of the Day of Judgment.
[1:5] You alone we worship; You alone we ask for help.
[1:6] Guide us in the right path:
[1:7] the path of those whom You blessed; not of those who have deserved wrath, nor of the strayers.
So, I haven't even properly BEGUN reading, and already I've learned that there are people who "have deserved wrath".
Yes, happy life indeed.
anyway, quran has indeed more peaceful sections in the middle, but all the chapters in quran are not in the order by date but length so before muhammed become warlord he was preaching more peaceful message. anyway it's dumbass to argue of this in here because i can just be angry and it don't change anything. we all should try to make fundamental muslims understand that europe won't submit.
anyway, quran has indeed more peaceful sections in the middle, but all the chapters in quran are not in the order by date but length so before muhammed become warlord he was preaching more peaceful message. anyway it's dumbass to argue of this in here because i can just be angry and it don't change anything. we all should try to make fundamental muslims understand that europe won't submit.
because islam means "submitting to god" as far as i know...
At least reading it gives context. But I admit, the Islamic fundamentalists are the most ridiculous fundamentalists. They are not making things easier.
man invented god against his own fear.
the day when man kills god by making society and technology alleviate his fear, man becomes god.
the day when man kills god by making society and technology alleviate his fear, man becomes god.
Dr. Ian Malcolm: God creates dinosaurs. God destroys dinosaurs. God creates man. Man destroys God. Man creates dinosaurs...
Dr. Ellie Sattler: Dinosaurs eat man. Woman inherits the earth...
Dr. Ellie Sattler: Dinosaurs eat man. Woman inherits the earth...

hmm afaik christian fundamentalists control at least 100 times more nukes than their islamic counterparts- that's about as ridiculous as it gets if you ask me...
"* fundamentalists control at least 100 times more * than *"
That's about as scary as it gets if you ask me
That's about as scary as it gets if you ask me
i didn't want to insult every nutcase at once, but that does make sense yep
kb_ has leading.
And yes, i do find islam to be the most disgusting of the major religions (JSYK i do consider all forms of organized religion, especially those stemming from the abrahamic faith, to be more or less disgusting).
And yes, i do find islam to be the most disgusting of the major religions (JSYK i do consider all forms of organized religion, especially those stemming from the abrahamic faith, to be more or less disgusting).
I just hope mediamolecule wasn't too harmed by this :\
i guess the idea behind the removal is that sony wants to sell loads of games in arab countries, where they apparently have lots of customers. the thought might be something like "hey how about we don't offend our customers? even if it means removing some trivial lil' bit of stuff"
More like "Hey, how about we recall ALL pressed copies and lose a shitton of cash because we put some inane musical chant in the background, but if we don't some fundamentalists might set our headquarters on fire"
Well, I don't know if I'd say kb_ leads anything. So the Quran comes to the nasty a bit early but if you read through the old testament you will experience genocide and maltreatment of God's unchosen quite early. This is the work that both the Quran and the New Testament relies on btw.
El Topo: Still, nobody would recall a product because they're scared somebody could be offended by a Bible passage in some of the background music. Otherwise almost all (non-instrumental) classical music would be banned now.