DirectX 11 and the PC demoscene
category: general [glöplog]
note: for some obscure reason I still do my coding stuff in gl :(
iq: I fail to see what is wrong in that :)
About UAC: and
Conclusion: UAC is fake and useless. Linux/Mac(BSD) "UAC like prompts" are real and cannot be bypassed without exploits (that usually are fixed 8h on average)
Since you link to the blog entry about how ireboot worked around UAC:
While digging around for possible solutions, it became clear that the only possible fix would be to split iReboot into two parts. One would run in the background as a service, running under the SYSTEM or LOCAL SERVICE accounts and having privileged access to the OS without requiring admin approval or UAC elevation, and with the second half running as an unprivileged userspace client program which interacts with the service backend to get stuff done.
Now, let's quote from Microsofts documentation on how to redesign applications for UAC Compability
The Back-End Service Model
In the back-end service model, the application is again broken into two independent executables—a standard user executable that provides the user interface to the user and a back-end service running on the system. The front-end application is marked with a requestedExecutionLevel of asInvoker and the back-end service is running as SYSTEM. Communication between the application and the back-end service is accomplished with RPC.
So what's the conclusion? That UAC is useless since the makers of ireboot followed microsofts guidelines?
The good thing is that DX10-compliant graphics card actually support DX10 features IN HARDWARE whereas with OpenGL you can never be sure... Try using non-square, non-pow-2 textures on a Radeon 9700 Mobility (with a driver reporting OpenGL 2.1 support). The extension string is there, but a software render path is used... (or it feels like that anyway, spf vs. fps...)
What really makes UAC useless is the fact the people turn it off, because they're not used to working like that...

(sorry i had to do it)
rarefluid: i just find myself in the position that i know enough about computers that changing some .ini file (in notepad) located in Program Files/ would not be harmful to my system, yet, UAC thinks differently, so UNLESS i start notepad in admin mode (which by default doesnt happen if you just click on the .ini and do 'open in notepad') i cannot save it/overwrite the old .ini.
THAT is annoying, in fact, THAT is so annoying that i rather risk the fact that in a drunk mood i might accidentally delete the files of Windows Moviemaker! so UAC is OFF :)
THAT is annoying, in fact, THAT is so annoying that i rather risk the fact that in a drunk mood i might accidentally delete the files of Windows Moviemaker! so UAC is OFF :)
Linux has sudo, but admittedly has proper file owner settings which do the trick when used properly...
"sudo notepad ... etc"... yeh..
Xeron has leading, so stop this useless bantering now, mmmhk?
Btw, it's been released:
1) take a bunch of random joe clueless
2) make sure they at most know how to use a type writer
3) set up a quad core beast with 4gb of memory
4) disguise vista as mojave
5) profit
yeah right, i'm not buying that
2) make sure they at most know how to use a type writer
3) set up a quad core beast with 4gb of memory
4) disguise vista as mojave
5) profit
yeah right, i'm not buying that
For some obscure reasons I also follow the booble iq's thoughts .. :)
Anyway, I feel sometimes we loose the meaning of using a computer and we only have in mind competitions, politics or rumours. Use what you have, the best you can.
Anyway, I feel sometimes we loose the meaning of using a computer and we only have in mind competitions, politics or rumours. Use what you have, the best you can.
guardian: the sad truth is... most people have an oppinion about Windows Vista without having even tried it... in some cases, without having even SEEN it
Yeah, they should at least try upgrading their hardware to a 2009 spec and buying Vista Ultra Super Premium and installing it and using it for a few months to get used to it before they complain. It's only fair.
Still...maybe you should try it, before trying to sound like an expert on the subject.
And still: Xeron has leading.
And still: Xeron has leading.
jcl: it's also a matter of trust
i don't trust an os that took 30 mins to estimate the time for copying files when the actual copy took 3 minutes
i paid, i saw it for real, i was upset and i don't fucking care the gigantic (in size) SP1 tries to improve things
and i'm also fed up right clicking my folders to adjust the folder permissions and ownership and watch the progress bar running for ages - just because i made the mistake to create files on my laptop while i was logged in on the company's domain and now i'm back home
i don't trust an os that took 30 mins to estimate the time for copying files when the actual copy took 3 minutes
i paid, i saw it for real, i was upset and i don't fucking care the gigantic (in size) SP1 tries to improve things
and i'm also fed up right clicking my folders to adjust the folder permissions and ownership and watch the progress bar running for ages - just because i made the mistake to create files on my laptop while i was logged in on the company's domain and now i'm back home
I don't know which is worst on my work pc, the dell CRAP or vista. Both annoy me equally. But I think vista has the leading: search is simply not working, drivers are all over the place, random explorer crashes..
[quote]guardian: the sad truth is... most people have an oppinion about Windows Vista without having even tried it... in some cases, without having even SEEN it[/quore]
Sure, you can try to argue that "Uhm, like, many people say things about Vista and they haven't even tried it!!!" but the fact of the matter is that such argumentation is simply VOID.
I have tried it, and I hate it. I have TRIED to work with it, I have TRIED working around all of the kinks and errors, but I simply cannot take it. Even Windows 98 weren't this buggy and user-alienating. Why should I live with an OS that hates me back? No thank you.
..also, Navis has leading.
Sure, you can try to argue that "Uhm, like, many people say things about Vista and they haven't even tried it!!!" but the fact of the matter is that such argumentation is simply VOID.
I have tried it, and I hate it. I have TRIED to work with it, I have TRIED working around all of the kinks and errors, but I simply cannot take it. Even Windows 98 weren't this buggy and user-alienating. Why should I live with an OS that hates me back? No thank you.
..also, Navis has leading.
Bah. BB CODE is for jazz musicians. :)
Sure, you can try to argue that "Uhm, like, many people say things about Vista and they haven't even tried it!!!" but the fact of the matter is that such argumentation is simply VOID.
I have tried it, and I hate it. I have TRIED to work with it, I have TRIED working around all of the kinks and errors, but I simply cannot take it. Even Windows 98 weren't this buggy and user-alienating. Why should I live with an OS that hates me back? No thank you.
..also, Navis has leading.
guardian: the sad truth is... most people have an oppinion about Windows Vista without having even tried it... in some cases, without having even SEEN it
Sure, you can try to argue that "Uhm, like, many people say things about Vista and they haven't even tried it!!!" but the fact of the matter is that such argumentation is simply VOID.
I have tried it, and I hate it. I have TRIED to work with it, I have TRIED working around all of the kinks and errors, but I simply cannot take it. Even Windows 98 weren't this buggy and user-alienating. Why should I live with an OS that hates me back? No thank you.
..also, Navis has leading.
gloom: you're a quore whore!
I ran vista for a good 12 months before deciding to switch back to XP. 3rd party applications run poorly. No matter how many placed I turned off windows search indexing I would still notice my harddisk churning away 10 minutes after input idle. What is this "trusted installer" user that owns program files? Why isn't it just the "Administrators" group? Oh right, because my "user" is still an administrator so they just remove administrator from the ACL... thats secure... Why does my Vista take >60 seconds to boot/reboot? I'm sorry but there is no reason I want to run this on my laptop.
seriously, what the hell have they done with search. I go into a directory, I *see* the file one the explorer but search doesn't find it. Have you tried "search for string INSIDE a file" ? How the hell do you get to that using this "user friendly" search.
Control panel: why the hell has it changed so much? You want to find, for example, file associations. Where are they. You have to navigate through a ton of 1000x1000 pixel shiny icons that hint at you being either too shortsighted or stupid.
Basically the whole thing is designed around the "I want to use my pc as a multimedia center" user, thats why you get directory listings based on "track songwriter duration etc. etc.". No fuck off. I want size in BYTES, extension, last modified. Now somebody will say "yez yez but you can change that if you go to menu control panel, user accounts, UAC, turn UAC off, reboot, control panel, my account, folder options, browse folders, file types, directory listing, then click on there and there, then apply etc.etc."...
Control panel: why the hell has it changed so much? You want to find, for example, file associations. Where are they. You have to navigate through a ton of 1000x1000 pixel shiny icons that hint at you being either too shortsighted or stupid.
Basically the whole thing is designed around the "I want to use my pc as a multimedia center" user, thats why you get directory listings based on "track songwriter duration etc. etc.". No fuck off. I want size in BYTES, extension, last modified. Now somebody will say "yez yez but you can change that if you go to menu control panel, user accounts, UAC, turn UAC off, reboot, control panel, my account, folder options, browse folders, file types, directory listing, then click on there and there, then apply etc.etc."...