Silly Venture 2k16 - query !
category: parties [glöplog]
As you probably guessed, Silly Venture 2k16 will happen! According to this we would like to know your opinion about date of the event. At the moment, 3 of them are being considered.
Please take a look at and vote !
Voting closes on 2016.01.24, 23:59:59 GMT - please participate because it is a matter of great impact.
grey / msb
Please take a look at and vote !
Voting closes on 2016.01.24, 23:59:59 GMT - please participate because it is a matter of great impact.
grey / msb
Grey: I never got any E-Mail... even not into the SPAM-folder.
@lotek: hi Stefan! thank You for info. I've reported that to Wieczor / Lamers. brgs.
@ltk_tscc: I can't find your request in database... What data did you put into the form? Seems that it's not even submitted, so email wasn't send. What's the best way to contact you? You can write me an email to
Ok, seems that problem solved. Thank you for voting :)
November won and new website is launched by Grey
@Princess_Luna: well, the website is still under construction, however the clock is already running ! :) (thx to Wieczór & Hospes).
Dear Atari Sceners! In order to estimate the number of SV2k16 participants, please put yourself on the registration list ! Thank You !

Dear Friends ! As you probably know, we've lost the previous SV2k16 attenders list. There was about 130 ppl willing to come, now it's less than 80. On this account we have 107 ppl atm, so it means that some of You didn't know about this "crash" of list. Please, re-sign it once again ! Thank You and sorry for trouble !
Yours truly,
Grey / Mystic Bytes
Atari4Life !
Grey't site. The new Silly adventure starts for the best !
Yes, all Atari sceners should be there this November :)
Seems i am coming
Not going this year after all will try to arrive 2017 instead
11.11.2016, autumn is coming...