
info on trackers and experimental /midi/ interface support

category: general [glöplog]

I am looking for ways to control trackers and other music applications in unorthodox ways, on my Amiga500. I plan to use microcontrollers to control the qwerty keyboard in order to use DIY interfaces for performing.

I am not a demoscener so I really do not know what is out there, I need to find out if similar projects has been done.

Where can I find info on trackers with midisupport? Could there be a way to use a standard midi interface and on the Amiga end reroute the midi input to qwerty input?

Please (re)direct me to a place where I can find out about stuff like this! :) :) :)
added on the 2024-07-12 14:17:12 by zntxrr zntxrr
maybe this for your interest...

Forget vinyl: here’s a DJ rig with two Amiga 1200 PCs

Hook up 2 Amigas via serial port to play 8channels via a NULL cable, they are synced up to each other with in one 50hz field.

I know there was a party stream or wild compo entry, where someone used two amigas and controled / remixed great stuff via midi i think.
added on the 2024-07-12 15:11:08 by MrVainSCL MrVainSCL
I remember having a MIDI interface on my Amiga, and it just worked(TM) in OctaMED.
added on the 2024-07-12 16:36:17 by Sesse Sesse
