Going to Assembly?
category: general [glöplog]
You mean the night ;)
But I get It, I've submited my entry 4 minutes before the deadline.
But I get It, I've submited my entry 4 minutes before the deadline.
ah, well, yes. a testament to how tired i am. :) anyway.. when the taping is over the party will begin.
watch assembyTV at www.assemblytv.net!
Party's going pretty well so far. I even showed my nipple to Wamma's boozembly video reporter. Sw33t.
Party's going pretty well so far. I even showed my nipple to Wamma's boozembly video reporter. Sw33t.
i lost my memory, has anyone found it?
Some our swedish friends assured me that drinking tequila a lot, it's like a reboot on i386 based computers.. Damn i'm a fool get only my hd defragmented.
yeah i'm thinking about going