no parties?
category: general [glöplog]
Is it just me or are the parties & rankings missing on the prod info screen now?
true, no parties.
just party of no return - PHAT2!
aye aye
shameless advertising!
fuck art lets kill!!
//the motherfucker in the trashcan!!
phoenix: Seems to be an error since restructering of the database. Analogue should know more, but he is probably busy...
no wonder my carbage wouldn't fit! there was a motherfucker in the trashcan... doh
perhaps someone should make a homepage/textfile that gathers as many results from as many parties as possible.. it would be great to have a textfile with result from every party ...
This already exists.. the scene party results pack by MELAN/AstroideA .. but it hasn't been updated since nov 14 2000.
so, its as valuable as a pile of shit, aint it? :)
so, its as valuable as a pile of shit, aint it? :)
thg: A little more respect please. The results pack is still quite useful! And at least my version (same file name) contains results from parties til june or july 2001
i'm afraid that pack won't be updated, as Melan left the scene some time ago...
The Parties links are one page for each year, so it's better as an online reference as an offline one. It does have PC parties even though it's "Scenery Amiga", and it's updated a few times a year. Some of the results come from my own collection, which I believe is still here (last put online two years ago).
The Parties links are one page for each year, so it's better as an online reference as an offline one. It does have PC parties even though it's "Scenery Amiga", and it's updated a few times a year. Some of the results come from my own collection, which I believe is still here (last put online two years ago).