Porky's Disco 2009 CANCELLED....?
category: general [glöplog]
Bad news friends! Porky's mum lost her purse the other day when she was at bingo and now she's on the scav.
Sadly, she was the main sponsor for Porky's Disco and we relied on her funding for the electricity meter.
Now, without her support the show will be cancelled!! :(
Porky has been working hard all year learning new stunts and karate moves, and was hoping to perform his new comedy sketch about a flatulent robot (featuring Leslie Joseph from Birds of a Feather fame).
There were so many great competitions planned:
*Bleach Endurance*
*Trolley Surfing*
*Pin the Tail on the Gypsy*
*Postman's Cock*
*Dirt Eating Contest*
*Worm Fights*
Plus, all the regular comps, such as the sock puppet pageant, knobbly knees, Nigel Mansell's listening game and break the church windows.
Confirmed guests include, Gaz Top, Angry Anderson, Jannick Gers of Iron Maiden, Dave Lee Travis and gangsta rapper 50 Pence (tribute artist)!
So if you find Porky's mum's purse, please hand it in! Thanks.
Sadly, she was the main sponsor for Porky's Disco and we relied on her funding for the electricity meter.
Now, without her support the show will be cancelled!! :(
Porky has been working hard all year learning new stunts and karate moves, and was hoping to perform his new comedy sketch about a flatulent robot (featuring Leslie Joseph from Birds of a Feather fame).
There were so many great competitions planned:
*Bleach Endurance*
*Trolley Surfing*
*Pin the Tail on the Gypsy*
*Postman's Cock*
*Dirt Eating Contest*
*Worm Fights*
Plus, all the regular comps, such as the sock puppet pageant, knobbly knees, Nigel Mansell's listening game and break the church windows.
Confirmed guests include, Gaz Top, Angry Anderson, Jannick Gers of Iron Maiden, Dave Lee Travis and gangsta rapper 50 Pence (tribute artist)!
So if you find Porky's mum's purse, please hand it in! Thanks.
Oh 50 Pence! Will he also perform his smash hits "P.I.N.T" and "In the pub" ?
I can donate some spare change to Porky if it helps. I still have a bucket of pennies from when he broke that parking meter.
Shanethewolf accidentally back?
Okkie: You know his work I see! Maybe we can trade cassettes. And yes, those pennies will come in really useful!! Thank you!!
Otinanist: Shane the who? ;)
Otinanist: Shane the who? ;)
I'd donate some navel fluff. I've been collecting mine since 1985.

We'll miss you :(
I wanted to see the Hariy Cormflake ;(
Jannick Gers of Iron Maiden !!!
presented to you by testament vodka
presented to you by testament vodka
Thank you all for the donations!
We have now decided to change the Dirt Eating contest into a Money Eating Contest!!
We have now decided to change the Dirt Eating contest into a Money Eating Contest!!
I thought shane because on the account there is a shane website. But shane is a legend and several people were playing his role I think. It's hard to say who was the real shane.
And now I am a bit sad, it has nothing to do with this thread or shane. I can't fight procrastination. Everyday I wake up I feel tired. Then I am doing anything but creative. They tell me to just do it. It's not a solution, this is fighting the symptoms not the root of the disease. Maybe I should just stop worrying and waste my time for a while.
And now I am a bit sad, it has nothing to do with this thread or shane. I can't fight procrastination. Everyday I wake up I feel tired. Then I am doing anything but creative. They tell me to just do it. It's not a solution, this is fighting the symptoms not the root of the disease. Maybe I should just stop worrying and waste my time for a while.
Optimus: Kill yourself, that's creative enough.
optimus, procrastination is not what you think of. today.
no taxes okay??
no taxes okay??