looking for a French car travelling to Breakpoint pls :>
category: general [glöplog]
Hello dear pouëter,
The car in which my friend and Titan group leader mr Irokos's was planning to travel in to BP is not going after all :( and he can't afford the train :'(.
Would anyone have or know of a spare seat for this journey for his cute French butt? That would be really great - please let me know, it's alk in #breakpoint on ircnet. Thanks and see you at the party!
The car in which my friend and Titan group leader mr Irokos's was planning to travel in to BP is not going after all :( and he can't afford the train :'(.
Would anyone have or know of a spare seat for this journey for his cute French butt? That would be really great - please let me know, it's alk in #breakpoint on ircnet. Thanks and see you at the party!
I've just sent him a message on Facebook.