VindicatioN information 45 glöps

- general:
- level: user
- personal:
- demo Windows Planet Risk by Andromeda Software Development [web]
- Like most ASD prods, this one has some of the cleanest and most layered transitions out there. The build-up that this demo has is awesome, saving some of the coolest effects and visuals for the end, which keeps you interested all the way through. I happen to like the soundtrack, which is very different from the norm. I preferred it to the Dreamchild soundtrack, and I find this demo a maturation of not only the sound, but the visual design, technical prowess, and pacing. Stunning. As my friend said, who watched the ASM demos with me, "These guys were robbed." Keep up the great work!
- rulezadded on the 2004-08-30 09:31:52
- demo Windows come clean by Fairlight [web]
- Going through the ASM 04 demos, when I got to FLT's Come Clean, I had to drop a comment here.
This demo just took me back to circa 98-00, when demos really had a lot of character and dripped with style. Again, I'm not in the know when it comes to current going's on, but when I saw the modern update to Angel Dawn's amazing, classic Fairlight logo, I nearly cheered. :) I love that this demo honors the old-school, and is selective about what it's honoring.
I also like the whole hip-hop feel... I watched Style Wars, Wild Style, and Scratch recently, so this felt like perfect timing!
Anyway, great work... the blending of 2D, 3D, and a dope soundtrack all came together nicely. The FMV parts had some weird bugs, but this is definitely one of my personal favorites.
- rulezadded on the 2004-08-25 10:44:04
- 64k invitation Windows sota 2004 64k invitation by Equinox [web]
- The second this started up, I called my friend from the Amiga days and said he had to check it out. He and I are in agreement: this is one of the best party invites we've seen in years. Simplicity, shaking things down to the roots, seeing something like this really takes me back to the early 90's. Great work!
- rulezadded on the 2004-03-28 21:33:30
- 4k Windows Mojo Dreams
- I was short on time the first time I ran this, so I only saw the first couple scenes. They were static, so I thought, "Okay, nice scenes, but this is pretty boring." A few months later, I've finally had some time to watch it the whole way through (while cleaning out my demo folder). When the clouds appeared, I thought it looked nice, but then the camera started to move around the terrain in later sequences, and at that point, I was pretty stunned. Definitely one I'll be keeping, now that I've experienced it all the way through. :) Nice ending, too.
- rulezadded on the 2003-09-01 13:37:33
- demo Amiga AGA Friday at Eight by Polka Brothers [web]
- This demo continues to age like fine wine (instead of losing its sparkle like an old bottle of champagne), and proves that even a demo that's nearly 10 years old can still look damn good in spite of the productions coming out today. The mid-90's were a great time for demos... not only technically, but in spirit. This demo in particular is a classic... thumb's up all the way.
- rulezadded on the 2003-09-01 13:09:10
- wild Animation/Video Egon and Dönci - First man on Mars!? by Aenima [web]
- This is better than most of the CG you see in professionally produced video and computer games. It could probably hold its own in theaters as well. However, I think the storytelling is a little strange, and their ability to capture a real sense of humor and comedic pacing is off. That's easy to forgive, though, since this is an independent production by non-pros. It's obvious that these guys have gobs of talent that should be utilized by the best CG houses... it's awesome that they create this stuff to be displayed at compos. Very cool design, light Bobby McFerrin-ish a cappella music, and a very cute cat... if that's supposed to be a cat. :)
- rulezadded on the 2003-08-29 23:55:46
- demo Windows Limbo win32 by Byterapers [web] & Doomsday
- Old-school flavor, nice music, fast and varied scenes, and beautiful colors/textures. The water scene is great, and I especially like the cool, twisting scroller that you can actually read. A lot of times, the effects used on scrollers completely obscure the text, and I was glad to see one where you didn't have to put any effort into deciphering it (yet, the effect still looked great). Demo feels unified and takes me back nearly 10 years. Nice.
- rulezadded on the 2003-08-29 18:48:02
- demo Windows lapsus by Maturefurk
- I prefer this to Lapsuus on the Amiga, just because this is more of an effect-driven production. Granted, there's no lack of great 3D scenes (that statue!), but the effect sequences definitely show a roots-style influence and respect, as well as fantastic 2D artwork and quirky-cool music.
- rulezadded on the 2003-08-28 07:39:37
- demo Amiga AGA lapsuus by Maturefurk
- I first saw this on DivX and I thought there was a problem with the encoding. Then I saw it. Relax your eyes, and this demo almost looks like full motion video. Focus your vision, however, and the really, really low resolution almost hurts it. The demo is so well executed, though, that it's one of those cases where it doesn't matter. The wonderful orchestral soundtrack gives the whole production a very polished and epic feel. Great use of lighting and realistic (and fantastical) color palettes. Great vision all around. While I prefer more effect-driven productions like Lapsus (Windows), you still gotta respect what they've done on the Amiga. While the hardware they did this on is powerful by Amiga standards, it's impressive nonetheless.
- rulezadded on the 2003-08-28 05:01:47
- demo Windows predator by mfx [web]
- My retinas have been permanently damaged. While I prefer A Deepness in the Sky over this (both in terms of visuals and music), there's no denying that there isn't anything else out there like this, and nobody does this kind of style quite like MFX.
- rulezadded on the 2003-08-22 01:10:05
account created on the 2003-08-12 18:49:30