Skate information 2442 glöps

- general:
- level: user
- personal:
- first name: Emir
- last name: Akaydın
- portals:
- csdb: profile
- slengpung: pictures
- demozoo: profile
- cdcs:
- cdc #1: Dutch Breeze by Blackmail
- cdc #2: Caret by Resident [web]
- cdc #3: Edge of Disgrace by Booze Design
- cdc #4: Batman Forever by Batman Group
- cdc #5: Protogeo 100% by Glance [web]
- cdc #6: Another Lightspeed Release by RET & Darklite [web]
prods added 50 x 2 = 100 glöps
- demo Commodore 64 Caprice Design turns 50 by Plush [web]
- demo Commodore 64 Reflections by Plush [web]
- wild Windows Kinternational Karate
- 256b Commodore 64 Little Circles Of Life
- 256b Commodore 64 Rottoprojo64 by Plush [web]
- wild Wild Öz Desert Dream by Zomco
- 256b ZX Spectrum Rasters by RET
- game Windows The Last Soldier
- game Flash A Gentleman's Duel
- game Flash Run Baby Run
- game iOS GMO by Swift Development
- game Windows Koy Korucusu
- demo Windows X2010
- demo Windows N.K.E.O.K.K by Resident [web]
- demo Windows Patterns Of Isolation by Aesrude
- 256b Commodore 64 330 Magic Words
- 256b ZX Spectrum Plotter by RET
- 128b ZX Spectrum True Colors by RET
- intro ZX Spectrum First Intro by RET
- 256b JavaScript Rottoprojo Coder Pron by Clash
- 256b Commodore 64 Twisting Sister
- 256b Commodore 64 Twisted Sister
- 256b JavaScript JS Kefrens Bars 256b by Clash
- invitation Commodore 64 Nightshift 2007 Invitation
- game Commodore 64 Beam
- demo Commodore 64 Tension by Bronx [web]
- invitation Commodore 64 7D6 Demoscene Party Invitro
- intro Commodore 64 Demodojo Begins by Demodojo
- game MS-Dos Windows Feza
- 4k MS-Dos Windows Landscape by Resident [web]
- game JavaScript Robotroom by Bronx [web]
- game Windows 7D-Type by Bronx [web]
- 256b Commodore 64 Multiparts by DMAgic
- demo XBOX FirstXBOX by Bronx [web]
- demo Gameboy Advance GBA.Mini.Intro by Bronx [web]
- demo Windows Twgy
- 32k Windows Greetro
- game Windows DeliBall
- game Windows On The Fly Must Go On by Manyetiq [web]
- game Windows Savasan Serce by StillPsycho [web]
- 256b MS-Dos Kure by Devrecı [web]
- 128b MS-Dos Hell by Devrecı [web]
- game Commodore 64 Muhtar by Bronx [web]
- demo Flash Luminance by Napalm
- 4k MS-Dos Demoralize by Resident [web]
- demo Flash 7D5 Script
- demo Flash Return Of The Goblins by Goblins
- game Java Java Bird by Resident [web]
- 4k Commodore 64 ChessWaver
- 256b Commodore 64 ChessZoomer
account created on the 2005-08-08 22:42:06