s13ge information 72 glöps

- general:
- level: user
- personal:
- first name: Sami
- portals:
- demozoo: profile
screenshots added 13 glöps
- intro Mobile Phone Attempt 10 by Koomadot
- 1k Windows it's common courtesy to make compofillers short! by McBurrobit
- demo TIC-80 Compo Filler Megademo by McBurrobit
- 4k Windows monoscan by McBurrobit
- demo JavaScript Attempt 9 by Koomadot
- demo Windows Attempt8 by Koomadot
- demo Android Attempt7 by Koomadot
- demo Windows Attempt6 by Koomadot
- demo Windows Lines by Koomadot
- demo Windows T.U.B.E.S by Koomadot
- game Windows OfficeRunner by McBurrobit
- demo Windows BMMWBLA / BIG MUSTACHES MAKE WOMEN BEHAVE LIKE ANIMALS by KoomaPiste [web] & Koomadot
- demo Windows Only2D by Koomadot
account created on the 2010-08-08 11:15:18