Impossible games
category: general [glöplog]
Some games that I played alot but never finished:
FIST II - The legend continues.
Barbarian - Damn wizard!
Mission elevator - Your mission was planned by bettina rolf and torsten.
Jet set willy - Indeed impossible
Bop n rumble - Street fighting delux!
Auf wiedersehen monty - Best soundtrack ever!
FIST II - The legend continues.
Barbarian - Damn wizard!
Mission elevator - Your mission was planned by bettina rolf and torsten.
Jet set willy - Indeed impossible
Bop n rumble - Street fighting delux!
Auf wiedersehen monty - Best soundtrack ever!
Jet Pac level 99 :D
this _FucKing_ one:

(with also SUCKING music)
Then F*cKing "Paper boy 2" always on GB (with SUCKING music too)
Also this Battletoads was quite Hard in that level with the jetpack near to the end of the game...

Anyway it had super good zik and was quite playable.
Not to speak about "The Battle of Olimpus", omg what a nice (never-ending) game.
And of course I hate games irreversibly based on time and with no balance between continues and difficulty, and of course with sucky music too.
P.S.: no-one of you has ever finished R-Type on GB? I mean reading something in the end wich tells you 'congrats you have saved the world' or similars... ?

(with also SUCKING music)
Then F*cKing "Paper boy 2" always on GB (with SUCKING music too)
Also this Battletoads was quite Hard in that level with the jetpack near to the end of the game...

Anyway it had super good zik and was quite playable.
Not to speak about "The Battle of Olimpus", omg what a nice (never-ending) game.
And of course I hate games irreversibly based on time and with no balance between continues and difficulty, and of course with sucky music too.
P.S.: no-one of you has ever finished R-Type on GB? I mean reading something in the end wich tells you 'congrats you have saved the world' or similars... ?
castlevania for gb, and last boss :(
Spin: I still want to understand that silly Jet Set Willy's world. Hacking the caves since years :p
I saw the end on a screeny. Willy entered the 1st cave and jump into the toilet :) (CPC version)
Before I though the end should be with that women called Maria who doesn't allow willy to get to the bed :) Also I lost a video, where the player died at 98% *too bad*

I saw the end on a screeny. Willy entered the 1st cave and jump into the toilet :) (CPC version)
Before I though the end should be with that women called Maria who doesn't allow willy to get to the bed :) Also I lost a video, where the player died at 98% *too bad*
or bruce-lee c64.
While not an extremely difficult game, I have to say that the bastard thing crashes just before the end. I know that there is a big buddha-something statue on the last screen, but I haven't seen it.
While not an extremely difficult game, I have to say that the bastard thing crashes just before the end. I know that there is a big buddha-something statue on the last screen, but I haven't seen it.
I remember completing Bruce Lee just fine..!
I got stuck in Donkey Kong Land on GB (original yellow cart) and gottdamn i never finished it :(
Impossible Misson, and I wasn't even playing the 7800 version :(
shifter: reptile played thru impossible mission on the bigscreen at function - shame you werent there to see it :)
(c64 version)
Face it: no human being could finish R-type without unlimited credits.
Guess I'm not human. I've finised the arcade on one credit, and I'm not the only one -- I learned by watching others.

Damn straight.
My father beat Impossible Mission on c64 a lot of times.. and I've come close.
anyone here ever finish pitfall?
Always getting killed at the last level of Knee-Deep In The Dead. Maybe Optimus knows a way?
StanZ: From :
Looks like when he's ready to go to bed willy gets sick and for this reason runs to the bathroom... I still wonder if anybody ever reached this point without cheating.
After walking into Maria's (and his own) bedroom, you notice that Maria is not there (assuming you have collected all the glasses). You then walk Willy towards the bed. Just as he gets there, the computer takes control of him and walks him double speed all the way to The Bathroom, where he walks into the toilets and sticks his head in it and waggles his legs about in the air. You then have to reload the game if you want to play it again. There is actually a cheat to do this, but I can't remember what it is.
Looks like when he's ready to go to bed willy gets sick and for this reason runs to the bathroom... I still wonder if anybody ever reached this point without cheating.
where would one find videos of people finishing old, very hard to beat games ?
@r0XX0r: I couldn't finish barbarian either, wizard is unbeatable. I read some walkthroughs etc. but none of them helped it. Anyone knows how to beat the wizard (I think his name was Drax)?
p.s: I tried to roll and make a physical assault but everytime he killed me with his magic balls (magic balls? ahahaha)
p.s: I tried to roll and make a physical assault but everytime he killed me with his magic balls (magic balls? ahahaha)
by the way, I finished Xonox (c64 shoot'em up game) which is very hard to finish. You have just one life and map is very long. Does anybody else know this game? or finish it?
I have played Barbarian on the CPC and it was easy to finish there. Well,. if one ball hits you, you loose, so you when you are there there is no time to understand what to do. I think I found accidentally, I was jumping and thinking, jumping and thinking, jumping, jumping, jumping, then I decided to roll forward, jumping and roll, till the last roll hit the mage and the game ended. But no end screen? I dislike the games where you end the game and it doesn't even tell you something or showing a finale..
I don't know how it is on the C64.
I don't know how it is on the C64.